it is said, commenced a settlement here in 1731; the same year that they erected a fort at Crown Point. The English came here about 1770. Otter.Creek passes into the* town, hut affords no important mill sites. The surface of the town is low and level. Mill and Pike rivers, are small streams, which fall into the* lake opposite to Crown Point. This town lies about 12 miles W. N. W. from Middlebury, and 40 W. S. W. from Montpelier. Population 1830, 1,306. V
Agamenticiis Mountain,
So called, being three elevations of land in York, Me.,- about Ajmles from the sea, and a noted land mark for those on the coast to the north- ward and eastward of Portsmouth harbor. The highest .summit is 673 feet above the ocean. It is said that Saint M}spinquid died on this mountain, iff 1682-y and that his funeral was celebrated, .by the. In- dians, by the sacrifice of 6711-wild; animals.
Agawam,' Mass.
The Indian name of a river in Wareham, and of a part of Westfield river; and the name of a village on Westfield river, 2 miles S. W; from Springfield.
Albany, Me.
Oxford co. This town was incor- porated in J803. It lies about 17 miles W. by N. from Paris, and 58 W. from Augusta. It is the source of Crooked river, which empties in- to S eh ago Lake. Population, 1837, 598. ,
Albany, N. II., |
Strafford co., lies 60 miles N. by E. from Concord, and 67 N. N. W. from Dover. The principal river in Albany, is Swift river, which passes from W. to E. into the Saco, at Conway. There are several small streams in different parts of the town, furnishing convenient 2 mill privileges.' These streams Were once the residence of num- bers of the heaver, otter, &c.— There are several lofty hills and mountains in this town, the highest of which is called Chocorua, and is visible from a great extent of coun- try. It received its name from Chocorua, an Indiah, who was kil- led on the summit by a party of hunters in time of peace, before the settlement of the place. The predominant rock of these hills is granite—a soft, decomposing varie- ty, in which the crystals and grains of feldspar are very large. The soil is fertile, being a sandy loam, mix- ed occasionally with coarse gravel. There are some fertile intervale lands on the borders of Swift river. This town has been considerably retarded by a peculiar disease which afflicts neat cattle. Young cattle cannot, be reared, nor can cows or oxen he kept here for a series of .years, without being attacked by a ^singular and . fatal distemper. It commences with a loss of appetite —the animals refuse hay, grain and salt—become emaciated ; an obstin- ate costiveness attends, but tbe ab- domen becomes smaller than in health, and is diminished to one third its original bulk. After these symp- toms have continued for an indefi- nite period, a brisk scouring comes on, and the animals fall away and die. Though superstition may have found a reason in the dying curse of the murdered Chocorua, philoso- phy has not yet ascertained a satis- factory cause for the disease. It is probably owing to the properties contained in the waters. This town was granted Nov. 6, 1766, to Clem- ent March, Joseph Senter and oth- ers, and until the 2d July, 1833, it bore the name of Burton. Popula- tion in 1830, 325.
Albany, Vt.
Orleans co. This town was grant- ed in the year 1781, by the name of Lutterloh ; in 1815 it was chang- |