ed to its present name. It is water ed by a number of ponds, and by Black river and its branches. Al- bany lies 34 miles N. from Mont- pelier, and 9 S. of Irasburgh. Pop- ulation, 1830, 683.
Albion, Me.
Kennebec co. This fine farming town lies on the stage road from Augusta to Bangor; 24 miles N. E. from the former, and 44 S. W. from the latter. Population, 1837, 1609. This town produced 10,728 bushels of wheat, in 1837.
Alburgh, Vt.
Grand Isle co. Settlements com- menced here by emigrants from Canada, in 1782. This town lies at the N. W. corner of the state and of New England; 10’miles N. from North Hero, and 79 miles N. W. from Montpelier. It is bounded by tbe waters of Lake Champlain, ex- cept on the north, where it meets the Canada line, in north latitude 45°. The soil is good and finely timbered. It has a mineral spring, of some repute in scrofulous cases. Population, 1830, 1,239.
Alexander, Me.
Washington co. About 25 miles N. by. W. from Machias, and S. of Baileyville, and Baring, which bor- der on the river St. Croix. In this town are some ponds, which, with the large pond in Baring and Alex- ander, produce a large stream which empties into Cobscook bay. Popu- lation, 1837, 457.
Alexander’s Lake. |
This beautiful sheet of water, of about a mile in length and half a mile in breadth, lies in the town of Killingly,* Ct., and was formerly known to the Indians by the name of Mashapaug. Its present name is derived from Nell Alexander, a man who settled at Killingly in 1720, and became proprietor of a large portion of the town. As this’ person gained his wealth in a man- ner which illustrates the antiquity of the propensity of the inhabitants of this state to the once honored, yet now despised employment of peddling, we will give the reader a short notice of his history. He came from Scotland, with a great number of other emigrants, in a ship which was to land them at Boston. Just before leaving the ship he discovered a gold ring up- on deck, for which he could find no owner. Thus fortunately provided, after his arrival he pawned the gold ring for small articles of trade, which he peddled in Boston - and Roxbury. He was very prosper- ous, and finally became able to re- deem the author of his success, and pursue his business without embar- rassment. After a few years of constant activity, he-acquired suffi- cient property to purchase a planta- tion of 3,500 acres in Killingly. The gold ring was transmitted as a sort of talisman, to his only son Nell, who transferred it to his only son Nell; who is now living at an advanced age, and has already pla- ced it in the hands of his grandson Nell; and so it will doubtless con- tinue from Nell to Nell, agreeably to the request of the first Nell, until the “ last knell of the race is tolled!”
A singular tradition has heen handed down to us by the abori- gines concerning the origin of this lake.
In ancient times, when the red men of this quarter had long enjoy- ed prosperity, that is, when they had found plenty of game in the woods,and fish in the ponds and riv- ers,they at length fixed a time for a general powwow, a sort of festival for eating, drinking, smoking, sing- ing and dancing. The spot chosen for this purpose was a sandy hill, or mountain, covered with tall pines, occupying the. situation where the lake now lies. The powwow lasted four days in succession, and was to- |