Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 26
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continue longer had not the Great
Spirit, enraged at the licentiousness
which prevailed there, resolved to
punish them. Accordingly, while
the red people in immense numbers
were capering about upon the sum-
mit of the mountain, it suddenly
“ gave way” beneath them, and
sunk to a great depth, when the
water from below rushed up and
covered them all except
one good
old squaw
, who occupied one of
the peaks, which now bears the
name of Loon’s Island.

Mr. Barber in his admirable work
entitled “
Connecticut Historical
,” from which this ac-
count is taken, observes, “ whether
the tradition is entitled to credit or
not, we will do it justice by affirm-
ing that in a clear day, when there
is no wind and the surface of the
lake is smooth, the huge trunks and
leafless branches-o
f gigantic pines
may be occasionally seen in the
deepest part of the water, some of
them reaching almost to the surface,
in such huge and fantastic forms as
to cause the beholder to startle!”

Alexandria, N. II.

Grafton co. A small part of New-
found lake lies in this town. Al-
exandria is 30 miles N. W. from
Concord, and 40 S. £. from Haver-
hill. Population, 1830,1,083. In-
corporated, 1782. On Fowler’s and
Smith’s fivers and several other
smaller streams are about 2000 acres
of intervale land, which produce
flax, potatoes and grass in abund-
ance. Other parts of the town are
favorable for wheat and maize.—
This town was first settled by Jon-
athan, John M. and William Cor-
liss, in 1769.

Alfred, Me.

One of the shire towns of York
county. It lies 24 miles N. from
York, 35 S. from Portland and 86
S. W. from Augusta. Incorpora-
ted, 1808. Population, 1837,1,360.
This is a good farming town and is
well watered by the higher sources
of Mousum river, which meets the
sea at Kennebunk. In this town
is a society of those neat and indus-
trious horticulturists and artizans,
denominated “ Shakers.”

Alford, Mass.

Berkshire co. On the line of the
state of New York, and watered
by branches of Green river. Some
manufactories of leather and shoes.
125 miles
W. from Boston, 14 S. by
W. from Lenox, and 24 E. of Hud-
son, N. Y. Population, 1837, 441.
Incorporated, 1773.

AUcxistown, N. H.

Merrimack co. On the Suncook
river, 11 miles S. E. from Concord,
and 38 W. from Portsmouth. The
land generally is of an ordinary
quality, though there are some fine
ilyrjns^ -JThe town is principally
covered with a growth of oak and
pine timber; and great quantities of
lumber are annually taken down
the river. Allenstown is well wa-
tered, though no large stream pass-
es through it. Great Bear brook
furnishes the principal mill seats.
Catamount hill is the highest land
in town. At the E. end of this hill
is a precipice of 70 feet nearly per-
pendicular, at the foot of which is a
cavern of some extent, inclining up-
wards. The first settlers were Rob’t
Buntin and others. In 1748, while
at work on the western bank of the
Merrimack river,opposite the mouth
of the Suncook, in company with
James Carr, Mr. Buntin and his son,
ten years of age, were surprised by
a party of Indians. Carr attempted
to escape, and was shot down. Bun-
tin and his son, making no resist-
ance,'were not harmed; but taken
through the wilderness to Canada,
and sold to a French trader at Mont-
real ; with whom they remained
about eleven months, escaped, and
fortunately reached home in safety.
Andrew, the son, continued on his
father’s farm until the commence-


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