ment of the revolution, when, en- tering the service of his country, he died in her defence at White Plains, Oct. 28,1776. Incorporated July 2,1831. Population, 1830,421.
Aina, Me.
This town is situated in the coun- ty of Lincoln, 10 miles N. from Wiscasset, 54 N. E. from Portland, and 20 S. S. E. from Augusta. In- corporated 1794. Population, 1837, 1,138. This is a pleasant town and well watered by Sheepscot river.
Alstead, N. II.,
Cheshire co., is 12 miles S. E. from Charlestown,14 N.from Keene and 50 W. by S. from Concord. This town is well watered by small streams. Cold river passes through the N. W. part; and some of the branches of Ashuelot river have their sources in this town. There are a number of ponds, the princi- pal of which is Warren’s pond;— length, 250 rods, breadth, 150. Perch and pickerel are here caught in great abundance. The soil is strong and productive, and the farms generally well cultivated. Manu- factures flourish in this town, and great attention is paid to education. Alstead was originally called New- ton, and was granted by charter, August 6, 1763, to Samuel Chase and 69 others. General Amos Shep- ard, who was for many years a member' of the jGeneral Court of this state, and President of the Sen- ate from 1797 to 1804, resided in this town, and was one of its prin- cipal inhabitants from 1777 to the time of his death, Jan. 1,1812. By his persevering industry, his econ- omy and correctness in business, and at the same time, by a rigid ad- herence to uprightness and integri- ty in his dealings with his fellow men, he acquired a handsome for- tune, and was in many things, a pattern worthy of imitation. Pop- ulation in 1830, 1,552. This town has 6000 sheep. |
Alton, X. H.
Strafford co. This town lies 22 miles N. E. from Concord, and 25 N. W. from Dover, and is bounded N. by Winnepisiogee lake and bay. The town is rough and uneven ; the soil hard and rocky, hut productive when well cultivated. The growth of wood is chiefly oak, beech, maple and pine. The principal elevations are Mount-Major and Prospect Hill Merrymeeting bay extends S. about 1800 rods into this town, where it receives the waters of Merrymeet- ing river. Half-moon pond, be- tween Alton and Barnstead, is 300 rods long and 150 wide. .This town was originally called New Dur- ham Gore, and was settled in 1770, by Jacob Chamberlain and others. It was incorporated Jan. 15, 1796. Population in 1830, 1,993. This town has 2000 sheep,
Amesbury, Mass.
This town is situated on the N side of Merrimack river, in the county of Essex, 40 miles N. E. from Boston, 6 N. W. from New- buryport, and 7 N. E. from Haver- hill. Population, 1837, 2,567. It was taken from—Salisbury in 1668, and is separated from it by Powow river, a navigable stream for vessels of 300 tons. A pond, covering about 1000 acres, hack of the town, 90 feet above the sea, serves as a reservoir for a constant and exten- sive water power. The manufac- ture of flannel and satinet is very extensively pursued. The amount of those articles manufactured in the year ending April 1, 1837, was $425,000. Many vessels are built here of superior timber, and the manufacture of boots, shoes, leath- er, chairs, phaetons, gigs, and car- ryalls is wery considerable. The total amount of the various manu- factures of this place is about $500,- 000 annually. About half the pop- ulation of the town' is engaged in mechanical labor. Josiah Bartlett, M. D. one of the signers of the |