declaration of independence was born here, in 1729. He died May- 19, 1795.
Amlierst, Me.
Hancock co. This town is boun- ded on the S. by Mariaville. The head waters of Union river pass through it. It lies about 25 miles E. of Bangor. Population, 1837, 198.
Amlierst, I. II.
An important town, and the seat of justice in Hillsborough county, is situated on Souhegan river. It is 28 miles S', from Concord, about the same distance from Hopkinton, 47 N. W. from- Boston, 40 E. from Keene, 60 S. E. from Windsor, Vt. and 484 from Washington. Souhe- gan is a considerable and very im- portant stream, and in its course to the Merrimack river from this town, affords some of the finest wa- ter privileges in the county. Bab- boosuck, Little Babboosuck and Jo English ponds are the largest col- lections of water. In some parts, and particularly on Souhegan river, the soil is of an excellent quality, producing abundant crops. In oth- er parts, on the hills elevated above the village, the soil is of a good quality, and several valuable farms are found under good cultivation. The village is pleasant and contains many handsome buildings. There is a spacious common between the two principal rows of houses, which is often used for public purposes. There is what is termed a mineral spring, about 1 1-2 miles E. of the meeting house. The water has been found useful in rheumatic * complaints, and in scrofulous and scorbutic habits; for poisons by ivy, dog-woodj &c. This town was granted in 1733, by Massachusetts, to those persons living and the heirs of those not living, who were offi- cers and soldiers in the Narragan- set war of 1675. It was called Nar- raganset JVo.3, and afterwards Sou- hegan- West. The number of pro- 2* prietors was 120, of whom a eonsid-' erable number belonged to Salem, Mass. The town was incorporated Jan. 18, 1760, when it assumed the name of Amherst, in compliment to Lord Jeffrey Amherst. Among the worthy citizens of Amherst who deserve remembrance, may be mentioned Hon. Moses Nichols, a native of Reading, Mass., who was a colonel under Gen. Stark in the Battle of Bennington: Hon. Samuel Dana, a native of Brighton, Mass. Hon. William Gordon, eminent in the profession of the law.— Hon. Robert Means, who died Jan. 24, 1823, at the age of SO, was for a long period of time a resident in Amherst. He was a native of Ire- land. In 1764, he came to this country, where by his industry and application to business, he acquired a large property, and great respect. |
A mherst did its duty manfully during the revolutionary contest. During the first four years of that war about one in seventy of its people died in the service. The expenses of that war, to this town, “ in addition of any bounties, travel or wages given or promised by the State or the United States, was found to be in specie, '£3,511.” Population, 1830, 1,657.
Amlierst, Mass.
Hampshire co. The college and village in this town are on elevated ground and command a very beau- tiful prospect of the surrounding country. Amherst was taken from Hadley, and incorporated in 1759. Population, 1837, 2,602. It lies 7 miles E. b}r N. from Northampton, 108 S. from Dartmouth college, and 82 miles W. from Boston. There are good mill sites in this town on two streams, which empty into the Con- necticut at Hadley. Its manufac- tures are various, consisting of woollen cloth, boots, shoes, leather, hats, paper, chairs, cabinet ware, tinware, axes, ploughs,palm-leaf hats, carriages, wagons, (large and |