Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 31
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chairs and hats. This is a very-
beautiful town of fine soil and un-
der excellent cultivation. It is on
high ground and commands a vari-
ety of beautiful landscape. The
access to Andover from Boston by
tbe railroad, is easy and very pleas-
ant. This town has long been cel-
ebrated for its literary and theologi-
cal institutions. There is no place
in New England better situated
for seminaries of learning. See

Androscoggin River,

Or .dmeriscoggin. Its most north-
erly branch is the M argali away
river which receives the waters of
Dead and Diamond rivers,and unites
with those flowing from Umbagog
lake, about a mile* distant from its
outlet. From this junction, the
confluent stream pursues a souther-
ly course till it approaches near the
White Mountains, where it receives
several considerable tributaries, and
passes into Maine,N. of Mount Mo-
riah. It there bends to the E. and
S. E.; in which course, through a
fertile country, it passes near the
sea-coast, and turning N. runs over
the falls at Brunswick, not far
from Bowdoin College, into Merry-
meeting bay, forming a junction
with the Kennebec, 20 miles from
the sea.

Ann, Cape, Mass.

See Gloucester, Mass.

Anson, Me.

Somerset co. Anson lies about
10 miles N. E. from Norridgewock,
112 W. from Rutland, and 40 N.
E. from Augusta. Incorporated,
1798. Population, 1837, 1,894. It
lies at the junction of Seven Mile
Brook with the Kennebec, on the
western side of that river. Here
are fine farms and good husband-
men. In 1837, 12,713 bushels of
wheat was raised.

Antrim, N. H.

Hillsborough co. It is 20 miles

N. W. from Amherst, 30 S; W.
from Concord, and 67 from Boston.
The E. part of Antrim lies on Con-
toocook river; and though some-
what hilly, is a tract of productive
land, a considerable proportion of
which is arable. On the river
there are valuable tracts of allu-
vial land. The North Branch river,
so called, a small stream originat-
ing from several ponds in Stoddard,
furnishes several valuable mill seats
and in some parts of its course, it
is bordered by tracts of intervale.
The W. part of the town is moun-
tainous, hut suitable for grass, and
affords an extensive range of good
pasturage. There are six natural
ponds well stored with perch and
pike. A curiosity has been dis-
covered in the middle branch of
Contoocook river, a rock, about 10
feet long and 8 feet wide, covered
with a shallow coat of moss, afford-
ing sustenance to 21 different kinds
of plants and shrubs, three of which
produce edible fruit. Antrim was
incorporated March 22, 1777. The
first settlement was made by Dea.
James Aiken ahout the year 1768.
Dea. Aiken was a native of Lon-
donderry. where he was born in
1731. He died July 27,1817. He
was a professor of the Christian re-
ligion more than 60 years, and
adorned it by a serious and exem-
plary life. Population, 1830, 1,309.
Antrim has about 4,400 sheep.

Appleton, Me.

Waldo co. This town lies 20
miles S. W. from Belfast, 84 N. W.
from Portland, and 35 E. by S. from
Augusta. Incorporated, 1829.—
Population, 1837, 839. It is situa-
ted between the head waters of
the Muscongus and St. George’s
rivers. Considerable wheat is grown

Argyle, Me.

Penobscot co. This is. a new
town, but fertile, and flourishing
in its agricultural pursuits. It pro-


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