Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 33
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8000 sheep. It is 105 miles W. from
Boston, 12 S. .W. from Greenfield,
and 15 N. W. from Northampton.

Ashford, Ct.

Windham co. This town was
first settled in 1710. Incorporated,
1714. It .is watered by several
small streams -which Word a water
power for one cotton and. three
woollen factories. The surface of
the town is rough and stony, but
excellent for grazing. The num-
ber of- sheep in this town is about

5,000. It lies 31 miles E. from
Hartford, and 14 N. W. from Brook-
lyn. Population, 1830, 2,660. The
following is said to have occurred in
this town, and is told to illustrate the
manners and customs of ancient
times. “ A concourse of people
were assembled on the hill in front
of the meeting house, to witness
the punishment of -a man who had
been convicted of neglecting to go
to meeting on the Sabbath for a pe-
riod of three months. According
to the existing law for such delin-
quency, the culprit was to be pub-
licly whipped at the post. Just as
the whip was about to be applied,
a stranger on horseback appeared,
rode up to the crowd of spectators,
and enquired for what purpose they
were assembled. Being informed
of the state of the case, the strange
gentleman rose upright in his stir-
rups, and with emphasis addressed
the astonished multitude as follows r
‘You. men of Ashford, serve God
as if the D...1 was in you ! Do you
think you can
whip the grace of
God into men ? Christ will have
none but volunteers.’ The people
stared, while the speaker, probably
not caring to be arraigned for con-
tempt of court, put spurs to his
horse, and was soon out 3f sight;
nor was he evermore seen or heard
of by the good people of Ashford.”
Col. Thomas Knowlton was a na-
tive of this town. He was at the
battle of Bunker Hill, and fell at
Haerlem Heights, in 1776. Wash-
ington termed him, in a general or-
der after his death, “the gallant and
brave Col. Knowlton, who would
have been an honor to any coun-

Ashuelot River, N. H.,

Or Ashwillet, a river in Chesh-
ire county, which has its source in
a pond in Washington. It runs in
a southerly course through Marlow
and Gilsum, to Keene, where it re-
ceives a considerable branch issu-
ing from ponds in Stoddard. From
Keene it proceeds to Swanzey,
where it receives another consider-
able branch which originates in Jaf-
frey and Fitzwilliam. It pursues
its course southerly and westerly
through Winchester into Hinsdale,
where, at the distance of about 3
miles from tbe S. line of tbe state,
it empties into the Connecticut.

Assabet River, Mass.

This river rises in the neighbor-
hood of Westborough ;—it passes
through Marlborough, Northbo-
rough and Stow, and joins Sudbury
river at Concord.

. Athens, Me.

Somerset co. This town was
incorporated in 1803. Population,
1837, 1,424. It is about 18 miles
N. N.-E. from Norridgewock, 114
N. N. E. from Portland and 45 N.
from Augusta. It is watered by a
tributary of Kennebec river.

Athens Vt.

Windham co. This town lies 14
miles N. from Newfane, 98 S. from
Montpelier, 10 W. from Bellows’
Falls, and about 40 N. E. from Ben-
nington. Population, 1830, 415.
This towri was first settled in 1780,
by people from Rindge, N. H., and
Winchendon, Mass. They encoun-
tered great hardships. “ The snow
was four feet deep when they came
into town, and they had to beat
their own path for 8 miles through
the woods. A small yoke of oxen


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