were the only domestic animals that they took with them.” This is a good township of land, particu- larly for grazing. It has 2000 sheep. Here are productive orchards, pine timber, and a small mill stream.
Athol, Mass.
Worcester co. The Indian.name of this town was Paquoig. This pleasant place lies 60 miles W. N. W. from Boston, 28 N. W. from Worcester, and about 24 W. from Fitchburg. Miller’s .river is a fine stream, and affords Athol a great water power. The manufactures of Athol consist of cotton goods, boots, shoes, leather, paper, iron castings, scythes, ploughs, cabinet ware, machinery, straw bonnets, palm leaf hats,shoe pegs, harnesses, shoe and hat boxes, pails, sashes,, doors and blinds;—annual amount about $175,000. Incorporated,1762. Population, 1837, 1,603.
Atkinson, Me.
Piscataquis co. This township was incorporated in 1819. It lies about 35 miles N. N. W. from Ban- gor, 132 N. E. from Portland, and 79 N. E. from Augusta. Popula- tion, 1837, 557. It is bounded on the N. by Piscataquis river. This town has a good soil. Wheat crop, 1837, 5,168^bushels.
Atkinson, N. II. |
Rockingham co. It is situated 30 miles S. W. from Portsmouth, and 32 S. E. from Concord. The surface of Atkinson is uneven; the soil of a superior quality, and well cultivated. The cultivation of the apple has received much attention here, and the finest fruit is pro- duced. Incorporated Sept. 3,1767, by its present name, in honor of Theodore Atkinson. Several of the first settlers lived to a great age. The Rev. Stephen Peabody was the first settled minister in Atkinson. He was a native of Andover, Mass. He took an active part in the revo- lution, and served as chaplain in thetregiment under Col. Poor, sta- tioned at Winter-Hill. The acade- my in this town is one of the oldest and most respectable institutions in the state; it was incorporated Feb. 17, 1791. “In a large meadow in this town, there is an island, con- taining 7 or 8 acres, which was for- merly loaded with valuable pine timber and other forest wood. When the meadow is overflowed, by means of an artificial dam, this island rises in the same degree as the water rises, which is sometimes six feet. Near the middle of this island, is a small pond, which has been gradu- ally lessening ever since it was first known, and is now almost'covered with verdure. In the water of this pond, there have been fish in plen- ty; which, when'the meadow hath been flowed, have appeared there, and when the water hath been drawn off, have been left on the meadow ; at which time the island settles to its usual place.” Popu- lation, 1830, 555.
Attleborough, Mass.
This town lies at the N. W. cor- ner of the county of Bristol; 12 miles N. from Providence, R. I., 8 N. W. from Taunton, and 28 S* from Boston. A branch of the Pawtucket rises here, and several other rivers pass through the town. It possesses a fine waterpower. It was first settled, 1644, and incorpo- rated in 1694. Population, 1837, 2,396. The value of the manufac- tures at this place, for the year ending April 3, 1837, amounted to about $500,000. That of cotton goods alone to $229,571. The oth* er manufactures consisted of boots, shoes, leather, metal buttons, combs jewelry^ clocks, planing machines, carpenter’s tools, straw bonnets, chairs and cabinet ware. This town suffered much during the reign of the celebrated Indian King Philip. In 1675, Attleborough was a fron- tier settlement. |