Auburn, Mass.
Worcester co. Until 1837, this town had been called Ward, in hon- or of General Ward, of the revolu- tionary army. It was incorporated in 1778. Population, 1837, 1,183. Auburn is a pleasant agricultural town. French river passes through it. It lies 5 miles S. by W. from Worcester, and 45 W. S. W. from Boston.
Augusta, Me.
This delightful town, the Capi- tal of the state, and chief town of the county of Kennebec, is in N. Lat. 44° 18' 43" and W. Lon. 69° 50'. It lies 146 miles N. E. from Concord, N. H.; 182 E. N. E. from Montpelier, Vt.; 163N.N. E. from Boston, Mass. ; 203 N. N. E. from Providence, R. I.; 260 N. E. from Hartford, Ct.; and 595 miles N. E. from Washington. Augusta is situated at the head of sloop naviga- tion on Kennebec river, 43 miles from the. sea. The town lies on both sides of the Kennebec, and contains an area of 8 by 6 miles. It was first settled in 1771, and in- corporated in 1797. In 1836 it con- tained 6,300 inhabitants. Its In- dian name was Cushnoe. There was, in its early settlement, a fort, and four block houses built of tim- ber, to afford protection to the in- habitants from the Indians, who were then very troublesome. T^ie fort was called Fort Western, ami is still standing on the east bank of the river, and is now occupied as a dwelling house. This is already a very flourishing town, not only in its agricultural pursuits, but in its commerce and manufactures. The tonnage of the place is about 3000 tons. Its exports are lumber of all kinds, oats, peas, beans, hay, pota- toes, wool, cider, apples, &c.— When the extent and resources of the noble Kennebec and its tributa- ries, above tide water, are consid- ered, some idea may be formed of the vast quantity of lumber that must pass this place on its passage to market. |
The Kennebec bridge, uniting the east and west parts of the town is a fine structure. It was built in 1799; is 520 feet in length, and cost $28,000. The town rises by an easy ascent on both sides of the river to a level surface ; it is well laid out, neatly built, and contains many handsome dwelling houses. Many of the streets are decorated by trees, planted on each side ;—a striking evidence of the good taste of the inhabitants.
The State House is a spacious and elegant structure, located upon a beautiful eminence about half a mile from the village, on the road towards Hallowell, and commands an extensive and very delightful prospect. It is built of hammered granite, or rather gneiss of a white color, and very much resembles marble, at a distance. The materi- al of which it was built, was quar- ried from the spot on which it stands. It has a spacious hall for the Rep- resentatives ; two of convenient size for the Senate and the Executive Departments', and rooms for all the offices immediately connected with the Government. In front is an ex- tensive commonj adorned with trees tastefully arranged;, which, when grown into shades, will afford a de- lightful promenade.
The United States9 Arsenal buildings are situated upon the east bank of the river, in view of the vil- lage, and are chiefly constructed of stone, and present a very fine ap- pearance. The Government has expended large sums of money in their construction, and it is expect- ed that soon the Government will make it an Arsenal of Construc- tion. There are at present about 2000 stand of arms deposited here, besides cannon and other munitions of war. The Post is commanded by a captain of the Ordnance Depart* |