ment, aided by a Lieut, of the same corps.
The State Insane Hospital. This splendid granite edifice, an honor tofthe state and to humanity, occur, pies a plat of elevated ground, of seventy acres, on the east side of the river. Its situation is unrival- ed for the beauty of- its scenery. This building was commenced in 1836, and will probably be complet- ed and prepared to receive patients, in 1S39. It will cost the state, and some beneficent individuals, who have made liberal donation;; towards its erection, about $100,000. It is of the model of tire Lunatic Hos- pital at Worcester, Mass., and is much admired for its external arch- itecture and internal arrangement. The centre building and wings are 262 feet long; the centre building is 82 feet in length, 46 feet wide, 4 stories high, besides the basement and attic, having a chapel in the attic 80 by 40. The wings are 90 feet long in front, and 190 in the rear, 38 feet wide, aild 3 stories high, di- vided into 126 rooms, 120 of which are designed for patients, the re- maining 6 for water closets and oth- er purposes, with halls between the rooms 12 feet wide running the en- tire length of each wing, and com- municating with the dining rooms in the centre building.
The Augusta High School, is an elegant brick building, situated up- on a beautiful eminence, 2 stories high, 65 feet long by.*50 wide, hav- ing a pediment front supported by doric columns, and contains two large school rooms, beside a labora- tory and four recitation rooms, and cost about $7,000.
The above is a brief sketch of the prominent features of this beauti- ful and flourishing town;—such as it has become by the common ef- forts of an intelligent and enter- prising people, joined to the natur- al advantages of the place.
3 |
But a new era is opened to Au- gusta.- The' mighty waters of the Kennebec have been arrested in their course. That proud stream, which, for ages, has rolled its rapid current to the ocean, unimpeded by the devices of man, is destined for ages fo come, to pay perpetual homage to Yankee perseverance and skill, and to lend its gigantic strength to aid the arts and sciences in supplying the wants of millions.
We may perhaps, be. suspected of partiality towards this lovely Vil- lage of the East, for giving it so ex- tended a notice ;—but, as accounts of works of great public utility are interesting to most of our readers, both duty and inclination prompt us to give a brief description of the Kejvntebec Dam;—a magnificent structure;—bold in its design—curi- ous in its workmanship,—and prob- ably unrivaled by any work of sim- ilar character and for similar pur- poses, in this or any other country.
Although Augusta enjoys the pleasure of seeing this noble enter- prise accomplished within its own borders, and by the energy of its own people; yet improvements of this character are by no means lo- cal in their effects. Tbe benefits of this undertaking will be felt,'not only in the valley of tbe Kennebec, but throughout the state.
=*> These works were commenced in 1836, by the Kennebec Locks and Canals Company, and com- pleted in September, 1837. The cost was about $300,000. They are about half a mile above the cen- tre of the village, and were con- structed under the superintendence of Col. William BoARDMAN,of Nashua, N. H., as chief engineer, from whose report many of the fol- lowing facts are elicited.
The length of the Dam, exclu- sive of the stone abutments and Lock, is 584 feet—the base, 127 feet—the height 15 feet above or- dinary high wate'i mark. It is built with cribs of timber, bolted and |