markable for the small quantity of water running in all the streams in this vicinity.
The pjmd formed by this Dam covers 1200 acres. If is 16 L^t^riTes in length, and its cTThiage depth is 16 feet.
Augusta presents advantages for manufacturing establishments, equal, if not superior to any in New England. It is located in the heart of a large and powerful state, rap- idly increasing in population and wealth; surrounded by a fertile country, rich in every necessary agricultural product, and stored with granite, clay, lumber, lime, iron ore—every building material; all of which are found near the spot, and at very low prices.
The facilities afforded at this place, for transportation, are of in- estimable value to a large manufac- turing town. Cotton and other raw materials, and manufactured goods, maybe transported by water, to and from the. very doors of the mills. At no distant period the great east- ern railroad from Boston and Port- land will pass through this town, in its course to Bangor. At this time, steamboats pass from Augus- ta to Boston in eleven hours.
The greatest consideration/how- ever, in regard to Augusta, as a manufacturing town, is its unfail- ing supply of water. The main branch of the Kennehec is the outlet of an immense lake, with numer- ous powerful tributaries, connected with other lakes or large reservoirs of water. On its passage to Augus- ta, Dead river, Seven Mile Brook, the Sandy, Sebasticook, and many other less powerful streams pay their tribute to it. Indeed, all the waters of the extensile valley of the Ken- nebec, above the Dam, meet at this place. It may be said with safety, that this place possesses a water power amply sufficient to drive
200,000 spindles, day and night, throughout the year; and an almost inexhaustable surplus power from November to July. |
Preparations are making for the erection of buildings for extensive manufacturing operations.
Aurora, Me*
Hancock co. This town lies 106 miles from Augusta. With a popu- lation of only 140, this town pro- duced, in 1837, among its agricul- tural products, 855 bushels of wheat.
Averill, Vt.
Essex co. This town lies on the Canada line, about 30 miles N. of Guildhall. It has several large ponds and a branch of Nulhegan river. Some of these waters pass to the Connecticut, and some to the river St. Francis. The soil of Aver- ill is cold and broken, with few cul- tivators.
Avon, Me.
Franklin co. Avon lies 35 miles W. by N. from Norridgewock, and 50 N. N. W. from Augusta. It was incorporated in 1802. Popu- lation, 1837, 767. It is watered by some of the head branches of San- dy river. In 1837, this town pro- duced 3,220 bushels of wheat.
Avon, Ct.
Hartford co. This town was tak- en from Farmington, in 1830. Pop- ulation, 1,025. It lies between two mountainous ridges and has consid- erahle'rich level land on the bor- ders of Farmington river. This is a handsome agricultural town and possesses some very beautiful scen- ery. The view from Montevideo, on Talcott mountain, nearly 1000 feet above the waters of the Con- necticut, is quite enchanting.— “Wardsworth’s Tower,” or Monte Video, is much resorted to by par- ties of pleasure in summer months. Avon is 6 miles N. from Farming- ton, and 9 W. N. W. from Hart- ford. |