Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 39
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Bach elder, Me.

Oxford co. This township lies
between two mountains on the line
of New Hampshire, 20 miles W.
by N. from Paris, and 60 W. from

Baileyville, Me.

Washington co. This town is on
the line of New Brunswick, about
45 miles N. by W. from Machias,
and 80 E. N„ E. from Bangor. In-
corporated, 1828. Population, 1837,
331. Bailey ville is watered on the
E. by the St. Croix", a-e
-1 .... UrUrsT
by the outlet of Schoodic lakes.

Baker's River, INT. H.

Baker’s river, a considerable
stream in Grafton county, is form-
ed of two branches. The N. branch
has its source near Moosehillock
mountain in Coventry. It runs
southerly through Warren into
Wentworth, where it unites' with
the S. branch which originates in
Orange. After the union of these
branches, the river pursues a S. E.
and an easterly course through the
S. part of Rumney and the N. part
of Plymouth, where it forms a junc-
tion with Pemigewaset river just
above Plymouth village. It was
on this river, in the township of
Rumney, that General Stark was
captured by the Indians, on the 28th
of April, 1752.

Bakersfield, Vt.,

Franklin co., lies 30 miles N. E.
from Burlington, 38 N. N. W. from
Montpelier, and 15 miles E. from
St. Albans. Branches of Missis-
que river pass through it. This
town is well timbered wjtn hard
wood, the land is warm, but some-
what broken. 4,000 sheep. First
settled about 1789. Population,
1830, 1,087.

Baldwin, Me.

Cumberland co. This town is
bounded E. by Sebago pond and W.
by Saco river. It contains a num-
ber of ponds, affording fish of vari-
ous kinds. Baldwin was incorpo-
rated in 1802. Population, 1S37,
1,133. It is 26 miles W. S. W.
from Portland.

Baltimore, Vt.

Windsor co. This town was tak-
en from Cavendish in 1793. Hawk
mountain is the division line. The
soil is warm but stony. 1,200 sheep.
An abundance of gneiss and granite
is found here. It is 10 miles N. W.
jhom Windsor and about 65 S, from
Montpelier. Population, 1830,179.

Bangor, Me.

This is the chief town of Penob-
scot county. It lies in N. 4at. 44°
47' 50"., W. long. 68° 47'. It lies
66 miles E. N. E. from Augusta,
120 N. E. by E. from Portland, 230
N. E. from Boston, Mass., 115 S.
from Eastport, and 675 N. E. from
Washington. The first settlement
in this place, by the whites, was
made in the winter of 1769—1770.
In 1772,the Plantation,Kenduskeag,
as it was then called, consisted of
twelve families. In 1790, the pop-
ulation of Bangor w as 169 ; in 1800,
277 ; in 1810, S50; in 1820, 1,221;
in 1830, 2,868, and in 1837, 9,201.
This place is situated at the head ol
navigation on the west side of Pe-
nobscot river, 30 miles N. by E.
from Belfast bay, 60 to Matawam-
keag Point, 120 to Houlton, and
about 60 miles from the open sea.
The compact part of the population
reside on both sides of Kenduskeag
stream, about 190 yards in width at
its mouth, over which are three
bridges, and on which, at the foot
of the falls, about a mile from the
city, are numerous mills. The
bridge across the Penobscot, 100
rods above the mouth of the Ken-
duskeag, is about 440 yards in
length. It cost $50,000. Tbe basin
at and below tlie mouth of the Ken-
duskeag, where the shipping lie
to receive their cargoes, is SO rods
in width, and affords good anchor-


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