with the flattering prospects of the valley of the Penobscot, and with pleasing anticipations of the pros- perity of its city. See Register.
Baring, Me.
Washington co. This town is bounded N. by the St. Croix river, E. by Calais and Robinston, and W. by a large and beautiful pond which empties into the St. Croix. Incor- porated, 1825. Population, 1837, 286. The railroad from Calais, 4 miles, will soon be completed to this place. 209 miles N. E. by E. from Augusta.
Barkliampstead, Ct.
Litchfield co. This town is wa- tered by branches of Farmington river. The soil is mdre particular- ly adapted to grazing : considerable beef and the products of the dairy are sent to market. It is 26 miles N. W.-fr^aaJHartford, and 20 N. N. E. from Litchneiu. Population, 1830, 1,715. First settled, 1746. Incorporated, 1779. Granite, iron ore and limestone are found here. The hilly part of the town presents some fine scenery. Hitchcockville, north of the centre of the town, is a flourishing manufacturing village, with great water privileges.
Barnard, Me.
All the knowledge we can obtain in regard to this town is, that it lies in the county of Piscataquis, 108 miles from Augusta;—that in 1837, there were 132 people in the town, and that they raised 444 bushels of wheat, the same year;—that this town received $264 of the surplus revenue that in 1837, Augustus W. Walker and others, obtained an act of the legislature for quarrying slate, and that Stephen Palmer is, or was, Postmaster. |
Now, the good people of Barnard are hereby respectfully requested to give the editor their latitude and longitude, and other necessary in- formation for future editions. Cit- izens of other towns, similarly sit- uated, and of all toivns, who may wish more full descriptions of their resources, &c. than wre are able, at present, to give, are also requested to forward their communications.
Barnard, Vt.
Windsor co. First settled, 1774. Incorporated, 1778. Population, 1830, 1,881. It is watered by Broad Brook which empties into White river in Sharon; and by Lo- cust Creek, which also empties in- to White river in Bethel. On this Creek,during the revolutionary war, there was erected a Fort, where the militia of this and other towns w;ere stationed as a defence against Indian depredations—they having surprised and carried to Canada a number of its first settlers, in 1780. In the centre of this town is the village, and a beautiful pond, from which issues a stream on which there are mills. On this Creek is an establishment for the manufac- ture of starch from potatoes. This stream joins its waters with the Creek one mile from the pond. The surface of this town is hilly. The soil is well ad.apted to grazing; and there are but few towns that turn off yearly more cattle, butter and cheese, sheep and wool. The num- ber of sheep is about 6,000. It lies 10 miles north of Woodstock, and 40 miles south of Montpelier.
It is stated as a singular fact, that the firing on Bunker Hill, on the 17th of June, 1775, was distinctly heard in this town, 130 miles N. W. from Charlestown.
Barnet, Vt.
Caledonia co. This town lies on Connecticut river, at the 15 mile falls, and opposite to Lyman, N. H. It has a good soil, and is an excel- lent farming town, with slate and iron ore. It lies 35 miles E, from Montpelier, 10 S. by E. from Dan- ville, and 65 N. by E. from Wind- sor. Population, in 1830, 1,764.-— |