vessels navigating the Sound, and passing round the Cape. The “ Pil- grim Fathers” landed here, Nov. 11, 1620, and borrowed some corn of the Mattacheeset Indians. The ' celebrated patriot, Janies Otis, was born here, Feb. 5, 1725. He died at Andover, May 23, 1783. The manufacture of salt was commenced here as early as 1779. It then sold for $6 a bushel. There was made 27,125 bushels of salt in this town in 1837. Between 50 and 60 sail of fishing and coasting vessels belong to this place: This town has nu-
merous ponds, a considerable water power, some fine upland, and ex- tensive salt marshes. The manu- facture of vessels, salt, boots, shoes, hats, leather, cabinet ware, chairs, and wooden ware, amounted in one year to $56,562. Pop. 1837, 4,017.
Barnstead, ST. H.
Strafford co. This town lies 26 miles W. by N. from Dover, 36 N. W. from Portsmouth, and 20 N. E. from Concord. Incorporated, 1767. Population, 1830, 2,047. Barnstead is not mountainous, but has large swells of land, good for grazing. About 2,500 sheep are kept here. The soil is easy and productive. There are several ponds in this town —the largest are the two Suncook ponds, which lie near each other, Brindle pond, and Half-moon pond, on Alton line. These waters are stocked with fish, and are discharg- ed into the Suncook. Barnstead was granted May 20, 1727, to the Rev. Joseph Adams and others. Settlements commenced in 1767.
Barre, Vt.
A pleasant and flourishing town In Washington county, six miles S. of Montpelier, and 48 N. by W. of Windsor. This is considered one of the best farming towns in the state. Large quantities of pot and pearl ashes, beef, pork, butter and cheese, are annually taken from this place to Boston market. About |
7,000 sheep are kept here. It is well watered by Stevens’ and Jail, branches of Onion river, which afford good mill privileges. Inexhausti- ble quantities of granite are found here, of the excellent quality with witch the capitol at Montpelier is built. This is a great thoroughfare for travellers, particularly for large teams from the north to Boston, by the Gulf road. A large number of these noted six and eight horse teams are owned here. Barre was first settled in 1788. Present pop- ulation, about 2,500.
Earre, Mass.
Worcester co. This excellent ag- ricultural township is on high land, and is well watered, particularly by Ware river, on which are many mills. The manufactures of Barre for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to about $365,000. The articles manufactured were woollen and cotton goods, ($161,600) copper pumps, hoots, shoes, carriages, leather, palm-leaf hats, ($167,200) straw bonnets, axes, scythes, and gunpowder. Large quantities of beef, butter, cheese, &c., are an- nually sent- from this town to Bos- ton market. It was incorporated in 1774. Population, 1837,2,713. It lies 65 miles W. by S. from Boston, 24 N. by W. from Worcester, and 15 N. E. from Ware. Barre took its name in honor of Col. Barre, an el- oquent friend of America in the British Parliament.
Barrington, I. H.
Strafford co. It lies 20 miles N. W. from Portsmouth, 10 W. from Dover, and 30 E. from Concord. The surface of Barrington is some- what broken and rocky, the soil be- ing principally a gravelly loam.— The town is abundantly supplied with ponds, of which there are no less than thirteen of considerable magnitude, from whence issue streams affording excellent mill seats. At one of these mill seats, |