on the Isinglass river, is a perpen- dicular fall of 30 feet. There is, about two miles from the centre of the town, a remarkable cavern, or fissure in a rock, commonly called the Devil’s den. The entrance is on the side of a hill, and is suffi- ciently large to admit a person in a stooping pasture. Having entered 5 feet in a horizontal direction, there is a descent of 4 or 5 feet, on an angle of 45°, large enough only to admit the body of a middling siz- ed man. After squeezing through this passage, you , enter a chamb A* 60 feet in length, from 10 to 15 in height, and from 3 to 8 in width.— Communicating with this, are sev- eral other fissures of equal height, and from 10 to 15 in length. Bar- rington was incorporated May 10, 1722, and the settlement commen- ced in 1732. Population, 1830, 1,895.
Barrington, R. I.
"Bristol co. This small town, of about 8 square miles, originally be- longed to Massachusetts. It was attached to Rhode Island in 1746, and incorporated in 1771. It is bounded southerly by Narraganset bay, and is well watered by Palm- er’s river, and by an inlet of War- ren river, over which is a bridge. The soil of the town is of a fertile, sandy loam, and quite productive. Large quantities of sea-weed are collected on its shores. A large tract in Barrington, called “ the cove,” now covered with water to a considerable depth, is supposed to have once been a forest, as timber and fuel are obtained from its bot- tom. Some salt is made in this town, and shell and other fish are abundant. Barrington lies 8 miles E. S. E. from Providence, and about 7 miles N. by W. from Bris- tol. Population, 1830, 612.
Bartlett, N. II., |
Coos co., is 45 miles S. E. from Lancaster, 82 N. N. E. from Con- cord, and 85 N. N. W. from Ports- mouth. It lies at the foot of the White Mountains, on the eastern side. Its soil is various, and, on the Saco, in some parts, good. This river meanders through the centre of the town. Bartlett was incorpo- rated June 16, 1790. Population, 1S30, 644.
Barton, Vt.
Orleans co. This town derived its name from Gen. William Barton, of R. I., and was first settled in 1796. The town is well watered by Barton river, which rises in Glover, and empties into Memphre- magog lake. Here are several ponds containing good fish. Barton is a thriving town, with a good hy- draulic power, and about 3,000 sheep. It lies 9 miles S. E. from Irasburgh, and 40 N. E. from Mont- pelier. Population, 1830, 729.
Basin Harbor, Vt.
See Ferrisburgh.
Baskaliegan River, Me.
This river rises in a large lake of the same name, in the county of Washington, near the line of New Brunswick; it passes westerly 15 or 20 miles, and falls into the Mata- wamkeag, a tributary of the Pe- nobscot.
Bath, Me.,
In the county of Lincoln, is situ- ated on the west bank of Kennebec river, 12 miles from the sea, 32 N. E. of Portland, and 31 S. from Au- gusta. It is bounded E. by Ken- nebec river, S. by PhipsbuFg, W. by New Meadows river and Bruns- wick, and N. by Merrymeeting bay. Population, in 1830, 3,773 ; in 1835, 4,200, and in 1837, 4,523. Incorporated, 1780. An attempt was made by a missionary to settle this place, and preach to the fisher- men, as early as 1670. But the In- dians would not permit it. A per- manent settlement was made in |