1756. The principal business of Bath is commerce, trade and ship- building, for which it is admirably well located. There belonged to this port in 1835, 26 ships, 32 brigs, 54 schooners, and smaller vessels. Tonnage,of the district of Bath, in- cluding the waters of Kennebec river, in 1837, 41,728 tons. Total number of vessels belonging to the distriot of Bath, in 1835, 37 ships, 94 brigs, 195 schooners, 10 sloops, and 1 steam-boat. Total, 337. The harbor of Bath is seldom obstructed by ice. Regular lines of steam-* boats ply between this place and Portland and Boston, about three- fourths of the year.
Bath, N. II.,
Grafton co., on Connecticut river, is 32 miles N. of Dartmouth Col- lege, 82 N. W. of Concord, and 9 N. of Haverhill. Bath is pleasant- ly situated in the vale of the Con- necticut, between the Green moun- tains on the W., and the^-White Mountains on the E., by which it is effectually shielded from high winds and long storms. The Amonoosuck river waters the S. E. part, afford- ing many fine mill seats and water privileges. The Amonoosuck has a very convenient fall at the village, calculated to accommodate ma- chinery to any extent. Two mills for the manufacture of cassimere, and other machinery, are already erected. At the principal village, (which is very pleasant,) there is a considerable bridge over the Amo- noosuck, of 350 feet in length, built in 1807. The soil on the hills is generally a reddish loam, on a bed of marl, or hard pan. In the val- leys, it is alluvial. About one-sixth part of the whole town is intervale land. Much improvement has been made in the agriculture of this place: 550 sheep are kept here. The towu was granted, 1761, and the first settlement was made in 1765, by John Herriman from Ha- verhill, Mass. Population, 1830, 1,627. |
Battenkill River.
This river is about 45 miles in length. It rises in Dorset, and pass- ing Manchester, Sunderland and Arlington, it receives Roaring Brook and other tributaries in Ver- mont ; it then passes into the state of New York, and falls into the Hudson, three miles below Fort Miller, and about 35 miles N. from Albany, N. Y.
Bays and Harbors.
The bays and harbors in New England are generally mentioned under the places pertaining to them .
Bear Camp River, N. H.,
Is formed of several branches ris- ing on the south side of Sandwich and Albany mountains. The two principal branches unite in Ossipee, and fall into Ossipee lake on its western border.
Bear River, Me.,
Rises in the highlands, near Um- bagog lake, passes Newry, and empties into the Androscoggin, op- posite to Bethel.
Becket, Mass.,
An elevated farming township on the Green mountain range, in Berkshire county. Westfield, Farm- ington and Housatonick rivers re-' ceive the waters of several ponds in this town. It has some small man- ufactures, and about 7,000 sheep. The town was incorporated in 1765, and lies 110 miles W. from Boston, 15 E. S. E. from Lenox, and 23 W. from Northampton. Population, 1837, 957.
Beddington, Me.
Washington co. There are sev- eral ponds in this town, which are among the head waters of Pleasant and Narraguagus rivers. Incorpo- rated, 1833. Ponnlation, 1837,169. |