Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 46
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It lies 35 miles N. W. from Machi-
as, and about 40 E. from Bangor.

Bedford, N. II.

This is a pleasant town in Hills-
borough county. It is 8 miles N.
E. from Amherst, 20 S. by E. from
Concord. Merrimack and Piscata-
quoag are the only rivers in this
town. The latter passes through
its N. E. corner, where there is the
pleasant and flourishing village of
Piscataquoag. This town has con-
siderable very productive intervale
land. It has been noted for the
cultivation of hops and for its fine
domestic manufactures. On the W.
line of Bedford, are a remarkable |
gulf and precipice, which are ob-
jects of curiosity. A considerable
brook passes over the precipice, and
falls about 200 feet within the dis-
tance of 100 yards. Here are found
several excavations in solid stone,
which are sufficiently large to con-
tain many persons. In mineralogy,
this town affords a great variety of
specimens. Iron ore is found in
different places, and in several vari-
eties. Sulphuret of iron, imbedded
in common granite, and red oxide
of iron, combined with alumine, are
common. Black lead, pyritous cop-
per, schorl, hornblende, epidote,
talc, mica, black, yellow and green
gneiss, crystallized quartz, &c. are
found here. The first child born in
town tvas Silas Barron, son of Capt.
Moses Barron, in 1741. The town
wa3 incorporated, May 19, 1750.
Bedford was the residence of many
Indians in former times. Nehr
Goffe’s falls is a spot of ground,
about ten rods long and four wide,
which is supposed to have been an
Indian burial place. Population,
1830, 1,554.

Bedford, Mass.

This is a pleasant town in Middle-
sex county, and the source of Shaw-
sheen river. This town was for-
merly parts of Concord and Billeri-
ca, and was incorporated in 1729.

Population, 1837, 858. It lies 15
miles N. W. from Boston, and 5N
E. from Concord. Bedford is bound
ed N. by Concord river. It has
some manufactures ; principally of
boots and shoes.

Beleliertown, Mass.,

A beautiful town in Hampshire
county, originally called “Cold
Spring,” 75 miles W. from Boston,
11E. from Northampton* and 27 E.
from Pittsfield. Population, 1837,
2,598. First settled, 1732. Incor-
porated, 1761. The soil of the
town is of an excellent quality, and
well improved. Large quantities
of wool'is‘grown in this town. It
is separated from Ware by Swift
river, on the N. The principal
manufacture is that of pleasure
wagons, of which about 600 are an*
nuaily made. Mr. A. Shumway, of
this place, has driven the stage be-
tween Belchertown and Northamp-
ton 25 successive years. In that
period he made 15,000 trips, travel-
led 218,400 miles, and carried at
least 124,000 passengers; yet, al-
though his hours of travelling were
early in the morning and late in
the evening, he neveF broke a limb,
overturned his coach, or met with
any serious accident whatever, dur-
ing his whole career.

Belfast, Me.,

Is the chief town of Waldo coun-
ty, and a port of entry, and is beau-
tifully situated on Belfast bay, on
the W. side of Penobscot river. It
lies 40 miles E. from Augusta, 30
S. from Bangor, 30 N. from Thom-
aston, and, across Belfast bay, 12 W.
from Castine. The town was in-
corporated in 1773, but not perma-
nently settled until about the year

1785. There is considerable good
land in Belfast. In 1837 it pro-
duced 3,492 bushels of as good
wheat as ever grew on the prairies
of the “ boundless West.” The
Paasaggassawakeag river passes
near the centre of the town, and



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