Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 47
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adds much to the appearance of the
place. The harbor is very good-^-
it is guarded by Long and Sears’
islands, and has anchorage for a
great number of vessels of the larg-
est class. The proximity of Bel-
fast to the sea, its site in relation to
Penobscot river, and its excellent
harbor, which was never known to
have been obstructed hy ice, but
twice, (1780—1815,) gives it pe-
culiar advantages for foreign com-
merce, the coasting trade, and the
fisheries. Considerable ship build-
ing is carried on at this place. The
tonnage of the district of Belfast in
1837,was 29,342 tons. The principal
exports are lumber and fish. Pop-
ulation, 1810, 1,259 ; 1820, 2,026 ;
1830, 3,077, and in 1837, about

4,000. Belfast, although irregular-
ly built, is a pleasant town, and is
an important
winter mart of the
trade of Penobscot river.

Belgrade, Me.

Kennebee co. In this town are
parts of three large and beautiful
ponds or lakes, well stored with fish.
They are connected with each oth-
er, and find an outlet at Waterville.
The scenery on the borders of these
waters is truly delightful. It pro-
duced in 1837, 6,340 bushels of
wheat. Belgrade was incorporated
in 1796. Population, 1837, 1,483.
It lies 10 miles N. E. from Augus-
ta, and 69 N. by E. from Portland.
The village at
Belgrade Mills, 6
miles from the centre of the town,
and 16 miles from Augusta, is a
very flourishing place.

Bellamy Baiilc, NT. H.

. A river, one branch of which Is-
sues from Chesley’s pond, in Bar-
rington, and the other from low and
marshy lands in the vicinity; these
unite in Madbury, and after mean-
dering through the town, the wa-
ters fall into the Piscataqua, on the
W. side of Dover Neck, where the
stream is called
Back river.

Bellingham, Mass.

Norfolk co. The soil of this town
is light and sandy, and not very
good for agricultural purposes. It
is finely watered by Charles river,
and has a good hydraulic power.
Its manufactures, consisting of cot-
ton and woollen goods, straw bon-
nets, boots and shoes, amounted, in
one year, to $127,837. It lies lfcS
miles S. W. from Dedham, 17 N.
by W. from Providence, R. I., and
28 S. W. from Boston. Population,
1837, 1,159. Incorporated, 1719.
Iron ore is found here.

Bellows’ Falls.

See Walpole, JV*. H.

Belmont, Me.

This town is well watered by the
Paasaggassawakeag, which rises
there in a pond of that name, and
empties at Belfast, about 6 miles N.
It lies 34 miles E. by N. from Au-
gusta. In 1837, Belmont produced
3,435 bushels of wheat, and consid-
erable wool. Waldo county.

Belvidere, Vt.

Lamoille co. A mountainous
township on the west side of the
Green Mountains, 32 miles N. E.
from Burlington, 32 N. from Mont-
pelier, 27 E. by S. from St. Albans,
and watered by branches of La-
moille river. Incorporated, 1791.
Population, 1830, 185.

Bennington County, Vt.

Bennington and Manchester arfr -
the chief towns. This is the oldest
county in Vt., on the west side of
the Green Mountains. It is bound-
ed on the north by Rutland county,
on the east by Windham county,
on the south by Berkshire county,
Mass., and on the west by the state
of New York. It is 39 miles long
and 20 wide. Area, 610 square
miles. Population, in 1820,16,125 ;
1830,17,468. Inhabitants to square
mile, 28. The low lands are excel-


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