Black Rivers.
Black river, in Windsor county, Vt. is 35 miles in length. It rises in Plymouth, passes Ludlow, Cav- endish and Weathersfield, and falls into the Connecticut at Springfield. This river passes through many nat- ural ponds, and affords a great num- ber of mill seats.
Black river, in Orleans county, Vt. is about 30 miles in length. It rises in ^ome ponds in Craftsbury, and passing through Albany, Iras- burg, and Coventry, it falls into Memphremagog lake at Salem.
Black river, in Somerset county, Me. is one of the head branches of the Walloostook.
Blackstone River, Hass.
The most inland branch of this river rises between Paxton and Hol- den. It passes Worcester, and the ponds in Shrewsbury pay it the tri- bute- of their waters. After pass- ing Auburn, Grafton, Millbury, Sutton, Northbridge, Uxbridge and Mendon, it passes into the state of Rhode Island, where it changes its name to Pawtucket, and meets the tide waters in Providence river.
Blackwater River, ST. II.
Blackwater river, N. H. so called from its dark appearance, is formed by two small streams, one of which rises in Danbury, and the other is- sues from Pleasant pond, in New London. These branches unite soon after crossing the W. line of Andover, and form the Blackwater, which passes through the S. W. part of that town; from thence through the W. part of the towns of Salisbu- ry and Boscawen into Hopkinton, where it empties into Contooeook river.
Blaneliard, Me.
Somerset co. This town lies 116 miles from Augusta. In 1837, 795 bushels of wheat was raised here. Population, same year, 261. See Barnard, Me.
4# |
Blaudford, Mass.
Hampden co. Branches of West- field river rise in this town and give it a good water power. Blandford was incorporated in 1741. It was originally settled by a company from the north of Ireland. It lies 114 miles. W. by S. from Boston, and 15 1
W. by N. from Springfield. Popu- lation, 1837, 1,443. The manufae- ;
tures of the place consist of woolen cloth, paper and leather. Annual amount, $50,500. The agricultu- I
ral products sent to market in 1836, j
amounted to $22,340. There were in the town 1,535 cows and 1,822 merino sheep. ;
' Block Island, R.-I.
See Jyew~Shoreham. * ;
Bloody Brook, Mass. i
See Deerfield.
Bloomiield, Me.
Somerset eo. This town was in- corporated in 1814, and lies on Ken- nebec river, 33 miles N. from Au- gusta and 7 below Norridgewock, -i
opposite to Skowhegan. Popula- 1
tion, 1837, 1,053. Bloomfield is a fin6 township of land, and produced in 1837 5,080 bushels of wheat.
Bloomiield, Vt.
Essex co. Bloomfield lies on the W. side of Connecticut river, and is also watered by branches of the Nulhegan. Population, 1830, 150.
It is about 20 miles N. from Guild- hall, and 60 N. E. from Montpelier.
Bloomiield, €4.
Hartford co. This was formerly a parish in Windsor, called Winton- bury. It derived its name from the circumstance of the parish being formed from Windsor, Farmington and Simsbury; the name Win-ton- bury being a part of the name of each of those towns. It was incor- porated into a town in 1835. The inhabitants enjoy a fine soil, and cul- tivate it with great industry, pro- |