ducing large crops of grass and grain, with an abundance of choice fruit. It lies about six miles N. from Hartford. Population, about 1,400.
Blue Rill and Bay, Me.
Hancock co. The town lies at the head of a large hay, of the same name, 12 miles E. from Castine, and 78 E. from Augusta. There are several large ponds in Blue Hill, and a hill of 960 feet in height, from which delightful marine scenery is presented. Incorporated 1789. Pop- ulation, 1837, 1,808. The bay has Long and other islands inside ; and outside, Burntcoat, and a group of smaller islands. Blue Hill bay is connected with Penobscot bay and river by a passage between the islands and main land, of about 12 miles. It lies about 16 miles W. from Frenchman’s bay.
Blue Hills.
« The first range of mountains on the eastern coast of New Hamp- shire and Maine ; and the elevated lands in Milton, Mass. are thus de- nominated, in consequence of their blue or cloud-like appearance, at a distance, on the ocean.
Boar’s Head, ST, II.
See Hampton.
Bolton, Vt.
Chittenden co. Population, 1830, 452. 17 miles S. E. from Burling-
ton, and 17 N. VJ. from Montpelier. Incorporated, 1763. Bolton lies on the western side of the Green Mountains. Onion river passes through the town, on the banks of which most of the inhabitants re- side.
Bolton, Mass.
A good fanning town in the coun- ty of Worcester, 31 mile? W. by N. from Boston, and 15 N. N. E. from Worcester. Incorporated, 1738. |
Population. 1837,1,185. It lies be- tween Concord and Nashua rivers. Here are good limestone, and small manufactures of boots, shoes, leath- er and combs.
Bolton, Ct.
Tolland co. This town lies 14 miles E. from Hartford, and 10 miles S, by W. from Tolland. Popula- tion, 1830,744. The soil is a coarse, hard, gravelly loam, fit only for grazing. It is within the granite region of the eastern section of the state/ The Bolton Stone Quarry is quite noted. “ The stone is a spe- cies of slate, of a brilliant light .gray color, composed of mica and quartz, and is excellent for flagging * and other purposes. It is extensive- ly used in the principal cities of the United States. For strength it ex- ceeds any other knpwn in this coun- try, and the demand for it is rapidly increasing.†The supply is inex- haustible.
Boon Island, Me.,
A ledge of rocks, with a light- house thereon; about 9 miles E. from Kittery. Near this island the steamboat New England, on her passage from Eoston to Gardiner, met a fatal disaster, by coming in contact with a loaded coaster, on the night of the 31st of May, 1838, by which many valuable lives were' jeopardized.
Bootlibay, Me.
Lincoln co. This tbwn is bound- ed W. by the mouth of Sheepscot river, N. by Edgecomb, E. by Damariscotta river, and S. by the ocean. It is nearly surrounded by water, and is noted for its excellent harbor. Its maritime situation ren- ders it a place of considerable busi- ness in the coasting trade and fish- eries. This town lies 39 miles S. S.
E. from Augusta, 12 E. N. E. from Wiscasset, 60 E. N. E. from Port- land, and about 40 miles S. W. by W. from Owl’s Head, by water. Bcothbajr is a fine watering place, |