and many visit it, in summer months, for health or pleasure. Here may be found all the enjoyments of sea air and bathing; fishing and fowl- ing ; ocean and island scenery; for which JYahant, in Massachusetts hay, is justly celebrated. Incorpo- rated, 1764. Population, 1837,2,562.
lioscawcsi, 3JT. IX.
Merrimack co. Boscawen is sit- uated between Concord and Salis- bury, on the W. side of Merrimack river. Boscawen is 8 miles N. WT. from Concord. Besides the Merri- mack, the west part of this town i3 watered by Blackwater river, run- ning nearly parallel with the for- mer, through the whole extent of the town, and about five miles dis- tant from it. It is not a large stream, hut very important, both on account of the fertile fields of champaign on its borders, and the numerous wa- ter privileges it affords*., There are two ponds of some note. Great pond, near the centre of the town, Long pond, in the west part, and mill seats at the outlet of each. Boscawen is of a deep, productive soil, affording many excellent farms delightfully situated. The surface, when view- ed from its highest parts, appears uncommonly level. From the nu- merous streams of living water, and from the peculiar direction of the swells of the hills, this- town prob- ably derives that pure air and uni- form temperature which are so con- ducive to health. The principal village is in the east section of the town. It is situated on a spacious street nearly two miles in length, very straight and level. Here the eye of the traveller is attracted and delighted by the fertile intervales and windings of the river Merri- mack. There is another village on a pleasant eminence near the west meeting house. Boscawen was granted by Massachusetts in 1733. The proprietors gave to it the name of Contoocook, after the Indian name of the river. It received its present name when it was incorpo- rated, April 22, 1760, from Edward Boscawen, a celebrated English ad miral then on the American station. The first settlement commenced early in the season of 1734.. Abi- gail Danforth was the first child % born in the town. The Indians made frequent predatory incursions on the inhabitants. See Duston's Island. |
Among the deceased citizens of this place entitled to respectful no- tice, are, George Jackman, Esq., the first town clerk, who continued in office 36 years. He was appoint- ed a justice of the peace under Geo. II. and continued in that office during all successive changes down to 1818.
Rev. Samuel Wood, D. D., for more than half a century the min- ister of Boscawen, was distinguish- ed for his learning and piety.
Hon. Ezekiel Webster, a native of Salisbury, resided here many years. He was an eminent barris- ter at law, of extraordinary talents, and great private worth. He died in the court house, at Concord, April 10, 1829, aged 49, beloved and lamented by all who knew his character. Population, 1830,2,093, |