Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 56
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East Boston.

This section of the city, until recently, had been called Noddle’s Isl-
It lies about 660 yards N. E. from Old Boston, and about the same
distance from Charlestown. It is divided from Chelsea by
Chelsea Creek,
600 feet wide, over which is a bridge, and from which is an excellent
road to the Salem turnpike. Tlvv Eastern rail-road, to Salem, Newbu-
ryport, &c., commences at East Boston. The island contains about 660
acres of land, and a large body of fiats. It was purchased by a compa-
ny of enterprizing gentlemen in 1832. They were incorporated in March,
1833, and the first house was commenced in October of the same year.
A steam-hoat ferry is established between this place and Old Boston,
starting from each side every five minutes. The time occupied in cross-
ing is about three minutes. A ferry is about being established between
this island and Charlestown. The surface of the island is pleasingly va-
riegated, and affords delightful sites for dwelling bouses and gardens
at moderate prices. This place is well located for manufactories of vari-
ous kinds; particularly for ship building, and all those branches of me-
chanics connected with navigation.

The Maverick Hotel is a large and splendid building, occupying a
commodious site. This house is named in honor of Samuel Maverick,
who owned the island and resided there in 1630, and who is said to have
made “ some figure in the history of after times—a man of very loving
and courteous behavior, and very ready to entertain strangers.”

Boston Harbor,

Extends across Light House Channel and Broad Sound, from Point Ai-
de rton on Nantasket, to Point .Shirley in Chelsea, a distance, between the
islands, of about 4 miles. It is safe, and of ample capacity for the larg-
est navy. The most important part of this harbor is entered by a narrow
pass, between two and three miles below the city and Navy Yard; and is
well protected by two powerful forts—Independence and Warren. The
outer harbor,* helow these forts, will shortly be protected by a very pow-
erful fortress now erecting on George’s Island, at a great expense, by the
government of tbe United States. Boston harbor contains many islands
of great beauty, and is the reservoir of the
Mystic, Charles, Nep onset,
and other rivers. Its borders are environed by the towns
of Hull, Hingham, Weymouth, Braintree, Quincy, Dorchester, Roxbu-
ry, Brookline, Cambridge, Charlestown, and Chelsea; and the numerous
small bays, coves and inlets, indenting their shores, give great variety,
and add much to the scenery of this delightful harbor.

Owing to the almost insular situation of Boston, and its limited extent,
its population appears small. But it must be considered that the neigh-


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