Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 73
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Typographic Co.” was incorporated
Oct. 26, ‘1336. Capital, $150,000.
The Company is extensively en-
gaged in the manufacture of paper
and books. Their paper mill is fur-
nished with the best machinery,
and is capable of turning out from
40 to 50 reams of the largest print-
ing paper, or from 150 to 200 reams
of letter paper per day. Their
printing office contains eight power
presses. There are employed in
the establishment from 60 to 70
male and female operatives. So
great arq their facilities, that they
have taken rags and manufactured
them into paper, and printed it, on
the same day. Probably there is no
establishment in the count-y which
combines so many facilities for car-
rying on the book business as this.
ThgTompany publish a variety of
bibles and other valuable works.
The value of business done at this
establishment, in 1S36, is stated to
have amounted to $500,00$.

It is presumed that this village,
according to its size, is second to
none in the state for business or
wealth. The surface of the town
is diversified by hills, vales, and
plains; is of good soil, and gene-
rally well improved. It is 12 miles
S. E. from Newfane, 96 S. from
Montpelier, 90 W. of Boston, and
76 E. N. E. from Albany. Popu-
lation, 1820, 2,017—1830, 2,141.

Bremen, Me.

Lincoln co. This town was for-
merly a part of Bristol. It is bound-
ed N. by Nobleborough, we
9t by
Bristol, south by Pemmaquid point
in Bristol, and east by Muscongus
island in Muscongus bay. It lies
about 40 miles S. E. from Augusta,
and 15 E. S. E. from Wiscasset, and
possesses great navigable privi-
leges. Population, 1837, 773.

Brentwood, S. H.

Rockingham co. Brentwood is
bounded E. by Exeter, N. by Ep-
ping, W. by Poplin, and S. by

Kingston. The soil is better adapt-
ed to grass than grain, although
some improvements have been
made in its qualities. Exeter river
passes nearly through the centre
of the town, and there are other
streams of less magnitude connect-
ing with it. Pick-pocket falls, on
Exeter river, are in this town, and
near them are situated an exten-
sive cotton factory, and a number
of mills. A card factory has been
established here, which promises
to be of great utility ; and also an
iron furnace for casting machinery.
Quantities of iron ore have been
found, and it was formerly worked
with success. Vitriol, combined
in masses with sulphur, has also
been found, here. Brentwood was
incorporated June 26,1742. Popu-
lation, in 1830, 891.

Brewer, Me.

Penobscot co. Brewer lies on
the Penobscot river, opposite to the
city of Bangor. It was taken from
Orington in 1812. Population, in
1337, 1,622. It is watered by the
Segeunkedunk, on which are mills
: of various kinds. Considerable
i quantities of lumber, hay, potatoes,
tanners’ bark and wood, are annu-
ally exported from this town. The
town was named in compliment to
Col. John Brewer, one of the first
settlers, from Worcester, Mass.
The navigable privileges at this
place are equal to those at Bangor.

Brewster, Mass.

Barnstable co. This town was
the Indian
Sawkatticket. It was
taken from Harwich, in 1830, and
took its name from Elder Brewster,
one of the first settlers of Ply-
mouth ; a man of great learning and
piety, who died, 1644. In com-
mon with all the towns on Cape
Cod, a large number of ship-mas-
ters, sailing to foreign ports, belong
here. From three ponds in this
town, covering about
1,000 acres, a
never-failing stream of water is pro-


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