Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 74
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duced, on which are a cotton mill,
carding mill, machine shop and oth-
er small mills. The value of the
manufactures of cotton goods, boots,
shoes, leather, axes, chairs, cabinet
and tin wares, lampblack, Epsom
and common salts, amounted, in one
year, to $52,072. Product of the
cod and mackerel fishery, $9,050.
Brewster lies on the north side of
the Cape, 16 miles E. by N. from
Barnstable, and
6 N.‘ N. W. from
Chatham. Population, 1837,1,534.
Here are about
1,000 sheep.

Bridgeport, Ct.

Fairfield co. The town of Bridge-
port was formerly a part of Strat-
ford, and was incorporated by its
present name in 1821. It contains
10 square miles, of a strong
and fertile soil, under excellent cul-
tivation. That part of Bridgeport
where the city now stands was
called the village of Newfield, un-
til 1800, when it was incorporated
as a borough by its present name.
In 1836 it became a city. This is
one of those beautiful and flourish-
ing places in New England, the
pride of Yankees and the admira-
tion of strangers. It is located on
an elevated plain, on the west side
of an arm of Long Island Sound,
and commands extended views of
Long Island and the surrounding
country. The city is built in a style
of great neatness and some ele-
gance. The harbor is safe, but the
navigation for large vessels is im-
peded by a bar at its mouth, of
about 13 feet draught of water at
high tides. A large business is
done here in the coasting trade ;
some in foreign commerce, and
some in the whale and other fish-
eries. The city is watered by the
Pequanock, affording some water
power. There is a commodious
bridge across the harbor, 412 yards
in length, with a draw for the
passage of vessels. This is an im-
portant manufacturing city, par-
ticularly of saddlery and carriages,
of which a very large amount is an-
nually made and transported.
rail-road from this place is in con-
templation, to pass up the Housa-
tonick river, and meet the Boston
and Albany rail-road at West Stock-
bridge, in Mass. The population
of the borough of Bridgeport, in
1830, was 1,800. The present pop-
ulation of the city exceeds 4,000.
Bridgeport lies 62 miles N. E.
from New York, 17 S. W. from
New Haven, and 4 E. hy N. from
Fairfield. The distance from Ibis
place to Setauket, on Long Island,
across the Sound, is about 18 miles.

Bridgeton, Me.,

Cumberland co., is pleasantly
situated on the border of Long pond,
and near the head of navigation to
Portland, by the Cumberland and
Oxford canal. The distance from
3 place to Portland, by navigable
waters, is about 50 miles. The soil
of Bridgeton is good, and produced
in 1837 4,000 bushels of wheat.
Its location affords it great facilities
for inland trade. Long pond is
10 miles in length and 1 in
breadth. It empties into Crooked
river, which passes into Sebago
pond. This town lies 74 miles S.
W. by W. from Augusta, and 40
N. W. from Portland, by the road.
Population, 1837, 1,363.

Bridgewater, N. H.

Grafton co. Originally part of
New Chester; now Hill, was incor-
porated, 1788. It is bounded N.
by Plymouth and Hebron, on the E.
by Pemigewasset river, dividing it
from part of Holderness and New
Hampton, on the S. by Bristol, and
on the W. by Newfound pond,
which separates it from Alexandria.
The soil is well adapted to graz-
ing, and few townships in this vi-
cinity exceed it in this respect.
The Mayhew turnpike passes
through the W. part, near New-
found pond, and the main road from
Concord to Plymouth through the


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