Brighton, Vt.
A town in Essex county. Popula- tion, 1830, 105. See Barnard. .Me.
Brighton, Mass.
Middlesex co. This was former- ly a part of Cambridge, and called “ Little Cambridge” until its incor- poration in 1807. It lies 5 miles S. W. from Boston, 13 S. E. from Concord, 35 E. from Worcester, 8 N. by E. from Dedham, and 15 N. W. by N. from Weymouth landing. Population, 1830, 972; 1837, 1,337. The western and northern bounda- ries of this town are washed by Charles river. The soil is excel- lent and highly cultivated, and, in common with all the towns in the vicinity of Boston, Brighton has be- come the residence ot many peo- ple of wealth and taste, who possess beautiful country seats and splen- did gardens. Winship’s garden is noted throughout the country for its nursery of fruit-trees and shrub- bery, and for its grand display ot pjants and flowers of every variety. Brighton is the largest cattle market in New England. Monday is tbe market day,when sellers and buyers meet in throngs to traffic in live stock, both for slaughter and domes- tic use. The sales in 1830 and 1837 are here given.
1830. No.
Beef cattle, 37,767,
Store do. 13,685,
Sheep, 132,697,
Swine, 19,639,
1837. No.
Beef cattle, 32,664, Store do. 16,210,
Sheep, 110,206, §wiue, 17,052,
Brimheld, Mass.
Hampden co. This town Ues 19 6* |
miles E. by N. from Springfield, 50 W. N. V/. from Providence, R. L, and 70 W. by S. from Boston. Pop- ulation, 1837, 1,599. First settled, 1714. Incorporated, 1731. This is a fine farming town, with a good soil, and is well watered by Chick- opee and Quinebaugh rivers. The articles manufactured in this town, in one year, amounted to $105,262. The manufactures consisted of cot- ton goods, boots, shoes, leather, palm-leaf hats, chairs and cabinet ware. The value of wool grown, in one year, was $4,067.
Bristol County, Mass. ‘ ^
Taunton and New Bedford are the county towns.
The surface of this county is somewhat broken, but generally level. Its soil in many parts is of an inferior quality. There are 12,- 463 sheep. Area, 600 square miles. It has a maritime coast of consid- erable extent, and its people are ex- tensively engaged in navigation. The tonnage of the two districts in this county (New Bedford and Dighton) is 94,163 tons. This coun- ty gives rise to many important streams that fall into Massachusetts and Narraganset bays, and its ter power is abundant in almost ev- ery town. It abounds in excellent iron ore, and in no section of our country, of its extent, are more ex- tensive manufactures of that mate- rial, for almost all the uses of man. This county is bounded N. by Nor- folk co., E. by Plymouth co., S. E. by Buzzard’s bay, and W. by the counties of Providence, Bristol, and Newport, R. I. In king Phi- lip’s time this part of the country was called Pawcunnawcutt. It wa3 incorporated in 1685. Popula- tion, in 1820,40,908 ; 1830,49,474; and in 1837, 58,152 : 97 inhabitants to a square mile. Value of the man- ufactures, for the year ending April
1,1837, $7,929,479. Product of the fishery, $2,188,656. The Taunton and Pawtucket are its chief rivers. |