Bristol County, R. I.
Bristol is the chief town. The territory of this smallest county in New England, except the county of Suffolk, in Massachusetts, be- longed to the colony of Massachu- setts until 1748. It is bounded on the N. by Bristol county, Mass., E. by Mount Hope bay, and S. and W. by the upper waters of Narra- ganset buy. Area, 25 square miles. The location of this county, on the beautiful waters of Mount Hope and Narragansetbays* affords it un- rivalled facilities for navigation. The soil is generally a deep gravelly legm and very fertile, producing va- rious kinds of grain and fruits; and has about 4,000 sheep. The rocks are mostly granite. Bristol county affords some of the best sc'eneqpr in New England, and is otherwise in- teresting as being, for many years, the residence of the brave and cruel Philip. Population, 1830, 5,466: "218inhabitants to a square mile.
Bristol, Me. |
Lincoln co. This town is bound- ed N. by Nobleborough and Bre- men, W. by Damariscotta river, S. by the sea, and E. by Muscongus bay. “ Bristol Mills,” so called, is the centre of the town, or the chief place of business. The town is finely watered by the Damariscotta and Pemmaquid, and possesses great hydraulic power and navigable fa- cilities. There are a number of islands in the waters around Bristol, which make a beautiful appearance; some of them are quite large, and inhabited. The surface of Bristol is not mountainous, but elevated, with a good soil. A number of square rigged vessels belong to this town ; about 20 sail are engaged in the coasting trade, and a great num- ber of smaller vessels are employ- ed in the bank and shore fisheries. Bristol lies 15 miles S. E. from Wis- casset, 60 N. E. from Portland, and 32 S. E. .from Augusta. Popula- tion, 1837, 2,783. This town was incorporated in 1765. There was a temporary settlement here as ear- ly as 1625. In an old fort, on the hanks of the Pemmaquid, once call- ed William Henry, and afterwards Frederick George, built of stone, in 1692, and taken by the French in 1696, “ are found grave stones of a very early date, and streets regu- larly laid out and paved, in the vi- cinity of the fort. On the side of the river, opposite to the fort, tan pits have been discovered, the plank remaining in a state of pi enerva- tion. In other places coffins have been dug up, which bear indubi- table evidence of a remote antiqui- ty.” “A considerable portion of the inhabitants of Bristol are of Irish extraction,- a small part of Scotch, a few of German and Eng- lish. The predominant character- istics of the inhabitants are frank- ness and hospitality, a generous lib- erality of sentiment, and an ardent love of liberty and independence. There are few of that class of men who are esteemed opulent. The most wealthy are those who labor daily with their hands, and raise by their own individual exertions the bread they consume. On the other hand, the population of the miser- ably poor is very small, and the town is burthened with but few paupers.” Bristol was the resi- dence of Commodore Samuel Tuck- er, distinguished for his bravery in the revolutionary war.
Bristol, N. H.
Bristol, in the S. E. part of Graf- ton count3/,is bounded N. hy Bridge- water, E. by Pemigewasset river, and Hill. It is 16 miles S.from Plymouth, and 30 N. from Concord. The land is hilly, but has, in gen- eral, a good soil. Zs’ewfound pond, about 6 miles in length and from 2 to 3 miles in width, lies in this town and in Hebron. Its waters are discharged through Newfound river, a stream about 2 miles long |