good. Cook’s pond is the source of the W. branch of Salmon-Fall river. There is also another small pond, covering about 15 acres, di- rectly on the top of Moose moun- tain, which has always about the same quantity of water, and a va- riety of fish in it. Population, in 1830, 679.
Brookfield, Vt.
Orange co. On the high lands between Onion and White rivers; 40 miles N. by W. from Windsor,. 16 S. from Montpelier, and bounded hy Chelsea on the S. E. It is wa- tered by a number of ponds and springs, but has no important mill privileges. This is a fine grazing town, and feeds about 10,000 sheep. The products of the dairy are con- siderable. Here are some manu- factures, and an inexhaustible bed of marl, from which lime is made. The town was first settled in 1^79, and organized in 1781. Population, 1830, 1,677.
Brookfield, Mass.
Worcester co. The Indian Qua- boag, a large, fertile and beautiful township, in two parishes, well wa- tered by several large ponds, which give rise to a principal branch of Chickopee river. For about forty years after its first settlement, in 1660, this town suffered exceeding- ly by the Indians. The ponds af- ford fine fish of various kinds, and in this town is a mineral spring of some celebrity. It lies 58 miles W. from Boston, 18 W. from Wor- cester, and 7 E. from Ware. In- corporated, 1673. Population, 1830, 2,342; 1837, 2,514. The agricul- tural products of this town are but- ter, cheese, wool, and fine beef cat- tle. The manufactures consist of boots, shoes, leather, iron castings, ploughs, chairs, cabinet ware, palm- leal hats, silver plate, shoe ma- kers rolling and shingle machines, sleighs, carpenters’ hammers, coach wrenches, sewing silk, and wooden legs. These manufactures, for the year ending April 1, 1837, amount- ed to $248,502, exclusive of the silk. |
Brookfield, Ct.
Fairfield co. This town lies 33 miles S. W. from New Haven, 24 N. hy W. from Fairfield, and 6 N. by E. from Danbury. It was taken from New Milford, Danbury, and Newtown, in 1788, and named af- ter the first minister, Rev. Thomas Brooks, who was ordained when the church was organized, in 1758. The surface of the town is some- what broken, but the soil is strong, and well adapted to the culture of grain. The rocks in many parts of the town are limestone, and af- ford marble. The N. E. boundary is washed by the Housatonick riv- er, over which is a bridge to Mil- ford ; and Still river passes nearly through its centre. Fish, particu- larly shad, are taken in its waters. Population, 1830, 1,261.
Brookline, X. H.
Hillsborough co. On the S. line of the state. It is 7 miles from Am- herst, 35 from Concord, and 13 from Boston. Nisitissit is the only river in Brookline. It rises in the N. E. part of Mason; passes through the S. part of Milford into Brookline, pursuing a S. E. course to Potanipo pond. From the pond it runs S. E. to Hollis, passing through the S. W. corner of that town into Pepperell, where it empties into Nashua river. Potanipo, or Tanapus pond, is situ- ated near the meeting house. It is about a mile long and one third of a mile wide. Brookline formerly be- longed to Massachusetts. It was incorporated March 30, 1769, by the name of Raby. In Nov. 1798, the name was altered by an act of the legislature to Brookline. Pop- ulation, in 1830,627.
Brookline, Vt.
Windham co. Set off from Put- |