Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 81
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han. Incorporated, 1824. Popu-
lation, 1837, 532. It lies*about 20
miles N. from Dover, 97 N. N. E.
from Augusta, and 171 N. N. E.
from Portland. This is a good town-
ship of land, and produced, in 1837,
3,252 bushels of wheat.

Brunswick, Me.

Cumberland co. This town is on
the S. side of Androscoggin river,
and connected with Topsham by a
substantial bridge. It is 27 miles N.
E. from Portland, 30 S. of Augusta,
8 W. from Bath. Population, in
1830,3,747; and in 1837, 4,136. It
lies at the head of the tide waters,
where vessels of 400 tons are built.
Vast quantities of timber and logs
descend the Androscoggin to this
place, and lumber of all kinds is
sent to Bath in gondolas, or trans-
ported by land to the sea board. A
rail-road, of about 4 miles in length,
is contemplated, for the transporta-
tion *of lumber. There are 30 hoard
saw mills at this place, exclusive of
those in Topsham. Two cotton and
woolen factories were erected here ;
but they were both burnt in 1824.
Another factory was built in 1834,
calculated for 4,000 spindles. It is
of stone, five stories high, and 174
by 45 feet. Other factories are con-
templated. This place, possessing
such an exhaustless water power,
and situated on navigable waters,
and on a large and beautiful river,
extending 140 miles into the heart
of a fertile and healthy country,
cannot fail of very soon becoming
one of our largest manufacturing

Brunswick was first settled in
1627, and incorporated in 1739. It
has been the scene of much savage
aggression. See

Brunswick, Vt.

Essex co. This town was first
settled in 1780. Population, 1830,
160. It lies on the W. side of
Connecticut river, and has some
excellent mill sites on the waters
of Nulhegan river, and Wheeler
and Paul’s streams. There are
some beautiful ponds in town, and
a mineral spring said to contain me-
dicinal virtues. It is 55 miles N. E.
from Montpelier, 14 N. from Guild-
hall, and opposite to Stratford,
N. H.

Buckfteld, Me.

Oxford co. This town is finely
watered by a branch of Androscog-
gin river. It is bounded on the W.
by Paris, and is 34 miles W. by S.
from Augusta, and 50 N. by W.
from Portland". Population, 1837,
1,618. The soil of this town is very
good. Among its agricultural pro-
ducts,in 1837, it yielded 5,613 bush-
els of wheat.

Buckland, Mass.

Franklin co. This is a pleasant
town and is separated from Charle-
mont by Deerfield river. It lies
102 miles W. by N. from Boston,
10 W. from Greenfield, and 20 E.
S. E. from Adams. Incorporated,
1779. Population, 1337, 1,051.—
This is a go^d farming town, and
produces a considerable quantity of

Bucksport, Me.

Hancock co. This town lies on
the E. side of Penobscot river, 15
miles below Bangor, 61 N. E. by
E. from Augusta, and about 18 W.
by N. from Ellsworth. It has a
fine harbor for vessels of the larg-
est class, and which is seldom ob-
structed by ice. The soil is good,
and the town is watered by a num-
ber of ponds and streams. Consid-
erable shipping belong to this place,
and the trade is quite extensive,
particularly in the lumber business.
It has some manufactures. From
1792 to 1816, Bucksport was called
Buckstown. Ths is a very beauti-
ful town, elevated, healthy, and
flourishing. It is situated just
above the head of Orphan’s island,


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