Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 82
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on which a fort is to be erected.
Population,1S30, 2,237; 1837,2,825.

Burke, Vt.

Caledonia co. A mountain, 3,500
feet in height, divides this town
from Victory, on the E. Branches
of Passumpsic river pass through it,
and afford a good water power.
This is a place of some manufac-
tures,particularly of oil stones. This
(novaculite) is found on an
island in Memphremagog lake.—
The stones are brought in their
rough state, and their quality is
said to equal those .from Turkey.
The soil of the town is good, and
abounds with hard-wood and ever-
greens. A large number of sheep
are kept here. Burke was first set-
tled in 1780. Population, 1830,
866. It lies 40 miles N. E. from
Montpelier, and 19 N. E. from Dan-

Burlington, Me.

Penobscot co. The number of
inhabitants in this town in 1837,
was 277. They produced the same
year 2,106 bushels of wheat. See
Barnard, Me.

Burlington, Vt.

This is the chief town in the
county of Chittenden. It is de-
lightfully situated upon the tongue
of land formed by the confluence
of the Winooski,or Onion river, with
lake Champlain. This is the most
important town in Vermont. It
lies in lat. 44° 27' N. and in Ion.
73° 15' W. It is 38 miles W. N.
W. from Montpelier, 62 S. by E.
from St. Johns, L. C., 80 S. S. E.
from Montreal, 70 N. from White-
hall, 22 S. E. from Plattsburgh,
miles across the lake to Port Kent,
N. Y. and 440 from Washington.

Although some beginnings were
made before that event, no perma-
nent settlement was effected in this
township till about the close of the
revolution in 1783. The town was
organized by the election of town
officers about the year 1786. The
surface of the township is agreea-
bly diversified, and is so much ele-
vated above the lake that the air is
pure and wholesome.

This town is not surpassed in
beauty of location by any one in
New England. It lies on the east
shore of Burlington bay, and occu-
pies a gentle declivity, descending
towards the west and terminated by
the waters of the lake. The prin-
cipal streets, running east and west
are one mile in length, and these
are intersected at right angles hy
streets running north and south,
and cutting the whole village into
regular squares. A large share of
the business on lake Champlain
centres at this place, and the town
is rapidly increasing in wealth and
consequence. There are regular
daily lines of steam-boats between
this place and Whitehall, between
this and St. Johns and between this
and Plattsburgh, besides numerous
arrivals of irregular boats, sloops,
&c. Three extensive wharves,
with store-houses, have been con-
structed and most of the merchan-
dize designed for the north-eastern
section of Vermont is landed here.
The trade is principally with the
city of New York, although Mont-
real and Troy have a share. For
the safety of the navigation, a light-
house has been erected on Juniper
island, at the entrance of Burling-
ton bay, and for the security of the
harbor, a breakwater has been com-
menced here at the expense of the
general government. There are
four lines of mail stages which ar-
rive and depart daily, besides three
or four others which come in and
go out twice or thrice a week.

The public buildings are six
churches, the University of Ver-
mont, the Episcopal Institute, the
court house, two banks, the Acad-
emy and two female seminaries.
The University consists of four
spacious edifices, located upon the
summit at the eastern extremity of


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