Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 83
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the village, more than 250 feet
above the level of the lake,and com-
mands one of the finest prospects
in the United States. The village,
the lake, with its bays and islands
—its steam-boats and sloops,—the
Winooski river, dashing through
frightful chasms and then winding
among the beautiful meadows, and
the distant and lofty mountains
which form the great outline,
render the view from the dome of
the University one of the most va-
riegated and interesting to he met
with in our country.

As a part of Burlington may be
mentioned the village called “Win-
ooski City.” It is situated on both
sides of the Winooski river, partly
in Burlington and partly in Col-
chester, and is one mile from the
village of Burlington. The water
power here is sufficient for propel-
ling almost any amount of machine-
ry, and is beginning to be emplqyed
to some purpose. Besides two saw
mills, a large gristmill, a machine
shop and numerous smaller works,
there is a large satinet factory and
m extensive block factory now in
successful operation, and a woolen
factory of the first class is to com-
mence running the present season.
A substantial covered bridge con-
nects the two sides of the river; a
handsome church, and several stores
have been erected, and ‘Winooski
City’ bids fair to become a place of
business and importance. See

Burlington, Mass.

Middlesex co. This town is wa-
tered by Vine brook, a branch of
the Shawsheen river. It lies
miles S. E. from Lowell, 10 N. E.
from Concord, and 13 N. W. by N.
from Boston. Population, 1837,
522. Some shoes are made here.
The soil is light, and suitable for
the growth of rye and hops.

Burlington, Ct.

Hartford co. An agricultural

township, with a soil of gravelly
loam, pleasantly diversified by hills
and vales, 17 miles W. from Hart-
ford, and 36 N. from New Haven.
Population, 1830, 1,301. It is water
ed hy Farmington river,and was tak-
en from Bristol in 1806. This town
has some manufactures, and has
been noted for the equality of its
inhabitants, in regard to property.

Buraltam, Me.

Waldo co. . It lies 37 miles N.
E. from Augusta, and about 30 N.
W. from Belfast. It is hounded S.
W. by Sebastrcook river, and E. by
Troy. Incorporated, 1824. Popu-
lation, 1837, 602. It produced
2,297 bushels of wheat in 1837.

Burnham’s River, HT. II.

See Lyman., JY. H.

Burnt Coat Island, Me.

Plancock co. A large island, sur-
rounded by others of a smaller
size, lying off Blue Hill hay, E. by
S. from Deer island about 13 mileigL
and about
6 miles S. by W. frcj^g
the town of Mount Desert. It iSsF
a light-house and good harbors, and
is a fine location for the shore fish-

Bxtrrilville, R. I...

Providence co.' This town was
taken from Gloucester in 1806. It
is finely watered by Branch river,
with many branches; one branch
of which rises in Allum pond, part-
ly in this town and partly in Doug-
las, Mass. This river is an im-
portant tributary to the Blackstone.
Manufacturing villages are scatter-
ed over this large town in almost
every direction, and a vast amount
of manufactures of various kinds is
annually produced. The face of
the town is rough, hut the soil is
adapted to grazing, and produces
large quantities of beef, pork, but-
ter, cheese, &c. Herring and Ed-
dy’s ponds are pleasant sheets of
water. Burrilville lies 24 miles


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