Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 84
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N. W. from Providence, and 27 S.
by E. from Worcester. Population,
1830, 2,196.

Buxton, Me.

York co. This town is bounded
on the S.
W. by Saco river. At
this place the Saco falls about 80
feet, and produces a great hydrau-
lic power, which is partly improv-
ed for manufacturing establish-
ments. It lies
8 miles N. W. from
Saco, 16 N. E. from Alfred, 18 W.
from Portland, and 71 S. W. from
Augusta. Incorporated, 1772* Pon-
ulation, 1837, 2,888.

Euazard’s Bay, Mass.

•This hay lies N. W. from Dukes
county, W. from Barnstable county,
and S. by E. from the counties of
Plymouth and Bristol. The length
of the bay is about 30 miles from
N. E. to S. W., and its average
breadth about 7 miles. From the
head of this bay, across Cape Cod
to Massachusetts bay? (the place
proposed for a canal,) is
5 miles.

Byiieltl, Mass.

~ See .1STewbury.

Byram River.

See Greenwich, Ct.

Byron, Me.

Oxford co. See Sarnard, Me.

Caoot, Vt.

Caledonia co. On the height of
land between Onion and Connecti-
cut rivers. “ The Plain” is delight-
fully situated, having the Green
and White mountains in prospect.
Several branches of the Onion riv-
er water this town, and afford it
some water power. Here is
and Molly's
pond, and a sulphur
spring. The surface is broken and
hard, but good for sheep, of which
about 6,000 are reared. The town
was first settled in 1785. The first
females who came here came on
snow-shoes. This is the birth plaee
of Zerah Colburn, the celebrated


mathematician. Cabot lies 12 miles
N. E. from Montpelier, and bound-
ed E. by Danville. Population,

1830, 1,304.

Calais, Me.

Washington co. At the head of
navigation on the Schoodic, or St.

Croix river, nearly opposite to St.

Andrews, N. B. The Upper vil-    ;

lage, or Mill Town, is about two
miles from tide water. At the
Lower village, below the falls, is a ,    j

bridge to the British side. Calais
lies 23 miles above Eastport, about
35 N. by E. from Machias, and 204
E. N. E, from Augusta. This is a    j

great mart for lumber of all kinds.    j

About 40 saw mills and other ma-    j

chinery are in operation hy the    1

great fall of the river. The tide    |

rises here about 20 feet, and large    '    i

vessels ascend to the lower village.    \

A rail-road is in operation between    j

the two villages; it is to extend to    j

Baring. Incorporated, 1809. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,686; 1837, 3,027.

Calais, Vt.    j

Washington co. Abijah Whee-    1

lock and others first settled this    j

town in 1787. It lies 36 miles E.    j

by S. from Burlington, and 12 N. E.    \j

from Montpelier. Population, 1S30,    \

1,539. Calais has a number of    \

streams, branches of Onion river,    i

and several fine ponds. Two thou-    j

sand pounds of trout have been tak-
en in a season. There is some man-    !

ufacturing carried on in the town,    1

and it feeds about 6,000 sheep.    j

Caledonia County, Vt.

Danville is the chief town.—    i

Bounded E. by Connecticut ‘river    ;

and Essex county; S. by Orange    •

county; W. by Washington coun-
ty, and N. by the county of Orleans.

It contains about 700 square miles.    ;

Population, 1820, 16,669;    1830,    1

19,943. Inhabitants to a square    ;

mile, 28. Incorporated, 1792. The
eastern range of the Green moun-
tains extends through the western


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