at suitable distances along the winding passages, are appropriated as family burial places, with the perpetual right to purchasers of enclosing, decorating, and using them for that purpose. Numerous monuments of exquisite workman- ship are already erected, which add, if possible, to the melancholy grandeur of the scene. It is an en- chanting spot;—a magnificent rest- ing place of the dead. This ceme- tery was dedicated Sept. 24, 1831.
We cannot deny ourselves the gratification of quoting a few lines from the descriptive part of Judge Story’s admirable address on that occasion. t.
“ A rural cemetery seems to com- hine in itself all the advantages which can be proposed to gratify human feelings, or tranquilize hu- man fears; to secure the best re- ligious influences, and to cherish all those associations which cast a cheerful light over the darkness of the grave.
“ And what spot can he more ap- propriate than this, for such a pur- pose ? Nature seems to point it out with significant energy, as the fa- vorite retirement for the dead.— There are around us all the varied features of her beauty and gran- deur—the forest-crowned height; the abrupt acclivi|y3 the sheltered valley; the deep glen; the grassy glade, and the silent grove. Here are the lofty oak, the beech, that c wreaths its old fantastic roots so high,’ the rustling pine, and the drooping willow,—the tree, that sheds its pale leaves with every autumn, a fit emblem of our own transitory bloom ; and the ever- green, with its perennial shoots, in- structing us, that ‘ the wintry blast of death kills not the buds of vir- tue.’ Here is the thick shrubbery, to protect and conceal the new- made grave ; and there is the wild- flower creeping along the narrow path, and planting its seeds in the upturned earth. All around us |
there breaths a solemn calm, as if wTe were in the bosom of a wilder- ness, broken only by the breeze as it murmurs through the tops of the forest, or hy the notes of the warb- ler, pouring forth his matin or his evening song.
“ Ascend but a few steps, and what a change of scenery to sur- prise and delight us. We seem, as it were, in an instant, to pass from the confines of death to the bright and balmy regions of life. Below us flows tke winding Charles, with its rippling current, like the stream of time hastening to the ocean of eter- nity. In the distance, the city,— at once the object of our admiration I
and our love,—rears its proud emi- ’
nences, its glittering spires, its lofty towers, its graceful mansions, its curling smoke, its crowded haunts of business and pleasure, which speak to the eye, and yet leave a noiseless loneliness on the ear.— I
Again we turn, and the walls of our venerable University rise be- fore us, with many a recollection of happy days passed there in the \
interchange of study and friend- i
ship, and many a grateful thought of the affluence of its learning, which has adorhed and nourished the literature 6f our country.—
Again we turn, and the cultivated farm, the neat cottage, the village church, the sparkling lake, the rich valley, and the distant hills, are be- fore us through opening vistas; and we breathe amidst the fresh and v&ried labors of man.
“ There is, therefore, within our reach, every variety of natural and artificial scenery, which is fitted to awaken emotions of the highest and most affecting character. We stand, as it were, upon the borders of two worlds; and as the mood of our minds may be, we may gather les- sons of profound wisdom by con- trasting the one with the other, or indulge in the dreams of hope and ambition, or solace our hearts by melancholy meditations.” |