Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 87
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Camden, Me.

Waldo co. This sea-port is fine-
ly located for navigation, with two
beautiful harbors, on the W. side of
Penobscot bay, 10 miles N. from
Thomaston, 17 S. from Belfast, and
40 E. S. E. from Augusta. Popu-
lation, 1837, 2,991. This place has
some navigation engaged in the
coasting trade and fisheries, and
considerable ship building is carri-
ed on; but the principal business
is the manufacture of lime from in-
exhaustible quarries of marble, or
lime stone. About 200,000 casks
of lime is annually shipped from
this place to all parts of the United
States. This lime is noted for mak-
ing a cement of a superior quality.
The Megunticook river waters a
part of the town, and gives it a
great water power, which might
be well applied to*manufacturing
purposes. From a mountain in the
rear of the town a beautiful pros-
pect is presented of Penobscot bay
and its numerous islands. Camden
is a pleasant retreat in summer

Camel’s Back Mountain, Vt.

This most elevated summit of the
Green mountains lies in Hunting-
ton, 17 miles W. from Montpelier,
25 N. E. from Middlebury, and 20
S. E. from Burlington. It is 4,188
feet above the sea.

Campion, Ix. H.,

Grafton co., Is bounded N. hy
Thornton, E. by Sandwich, S. by
Holderness and Plymouth, W. hy
Rumney; is 50 miles from Con-
cord, and 75 from Portsmouth. Its
surface is broken and uneven,
abounding with racky ledges, and
having several mountainous tracts.
Besides Pemigewasset river, run-
ning N. and S. through nearly the
centre of the town, it is watered by
Mad and Beebe’s rivers, which fall
into the Pemigewasset on the E.,
and by West Branch river and Bog
brook on the W. The land in the
valleys is generally good, and there
is some good intervale. The high
laq.d is good for grazing. The for-
est trees are mostly deciduous. No
white oak or pitch pine is found N.
of the centre of the town. Iron
ore of an inferior quality is found
in some places. The towns of
Camp ton and Rumney Were both
granted in Oct. 1761, to Capt. Jabez
Spencer, of East Had dam, Conn.,
but he dying before a settlement
was effected, his heirs, in conjunc-
tion with others, obtained a new
charter, Jan. 5, 1767. The first
settlement was made in 1765, by
two families of the names of Fox
and Taylor. The proprietors held
their first meeting Nov. 2, 1769,
and the inhabitants theirs, Dec. 16,
1771. From the circumstance of
the first proprietors building a
when they went to survey Camp-
ton and Rumney, this town derives
its name. In the revolutionary
war, this town, though in its infan-
cy, furnished nine or ten soldiers,
five of whom died in the service,
and three were living in 1S22. Pop-
ulation, in 1830, 1,313.

Canaan, Me.

Somerset co. This toV^i was first
settled in 1774, find incorporated in
1783. It formerly embraced the
territory of Skot^he'gan and Bloom-
field. It is a good farming town,
and produced, in 1837, 5,444 bushels
of wheat. It lies on the east side
of Kennebec river, 13 miles E. from
Norridgewock, and 34 N. from Au-
gusta. Population, 1837, 1,347.

Canaan, N. II.

Grafton co. Bounded N. by
Dame’s gore, which separates it
from Dorchester, E. by Orange, S.
by Enfield, and W. by Hanover,
and is situated on the height of land
between the rivers Connecticut and
Merrimack. It is 16 miles E. from
Dartmouth college, 30 S. E. from
Haverhill, 25 S. W. from Plymouth,


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