and 40 N. W. from Concord. The only stream of consequence is the Mascomy, which rises in the N.W. part of Dorchester, and after a me- andering course of 8 or 10 miles, falls into Mascomy pond in Enfield. Indian stream river rises in the S. E. corner of Dorchester, and run- ning about 8 miles, mingles with the waters of Mascomy, near the centre of the town. - Heart pond, so called fromdts figure, is situated in the centre of the town, and upon a swell of land so elevated that at a distance it presents the appear- ance of a sheet of water on a hill. It is about 500 rods in length and 200 in width, and the only natural curiosity of any note, is the mound, or bank of earth, which nearly sur- rounds this pond. It is from 4 to 5 feet high, and from its uniform height and regular construction would seem to be the work of art; hut from frequent annual observa- tion, it is found to have been pro- duced by the drifting of the ice when breaking up in the spring. Besides this, there are Goose, Clark’s, Mud and Bear ponds. The land is not so broken as in some of the adjoining towns. There is but little not' capable of cultivation. The soil is tolerably fertile, and produces wheat, rye, corn, flax, &c. Canaan wras granted by charter, July 9, 1761, to 62 persons, all of whom except ten belonged to Con- necticut. It derived its name from Canaan in that state. The first per- manent settlement was made in the winter, in 1766 or 7, by John Sco- field, who conveyed what effects he possessed the distance of 14 miles over a crust of snow upon a hand- sled. , Among others of the first settlers, were George Harris, Tho- mas Miner, Joshua Harris, and Samuel Jones. The first proprie- tors’ meeting was held July 19, 1768. Population, in 1880, 1,428.
Canaan, Vt.
Essex co. Bounded N. by Can- 7*
ad a, and E. by Stewartstown, N. H.; 31 miles N. from Guildhall, and 112 N. E. from Montpelier. First settled, 1785. Population, 1830, 373. The land id this town is broken and cold. Leed’s pond produces an abundance of fish. Canaan produces more fish than grain.
Canaan, Ct.
Litchfield co. First settled in 1738. Incorporated, 1739. Canaan lies 41 miles N. W. from Hartford, and 18 N. N. W. from Litchfield. Population, 1830, 2,301. The town lies on the E. side of Housatonick river, opposite to Salisbury. A ledge of limestone rocks crosses the river at this place, about 30 rods in length, causing a perpendicular fall of 60 feet. The river is rapid, both above and below this beautiful cata- ract. The whole descent of the river, in Canaan, is about 130 feet, “ nobly arranged and distributed, and comprehending a remarkable variety of beauty and grandeur.” The township is mountainous, with some arable land along the streams. About 4,000 sheep are kept here. This section of country is noted for its excellent mutton. Limestone and iron ore are abundant; the lat- ter is of a very fine quality. Iron works, on an extensive scale, are established here ; a satinet factory and other machinery.
Canals in New England.
See Register.
Candia, 3Y. H.,
Rockingham co., Was detached from the N. part of Chester and in- corporated, 1763. The soil is natu- rally hard of cultivation; but the industry of the inhabitants has made it fruitful. It was originally cover- ed with a thick growth of oak, ash, maple, birch, &c. The site of this town is elevated, and commands an extensive view of the rich scene- ry of the adjacent country—the |