yields their temporal support; and what they become possessed of more than is necessary to their wants, they devote to charitable purposes, agreeably to their church covenant. It should be mentioned as a practice highly creditable to this sect, that the members of their societies never make use of ardent spirits, except in cases of sickness, being aware of the evils intemperance brings upon society. Another practice not unworthy of imitation is, they refuse to be trust- ed even in the smallest sum. They transact their secular concerns with great hprightness; and though they may have suffered reproach from their singularity of life and man- ners,they have become a proverb for industry, justice and benevolence.
For a particular account of the re- ligious tenets of this singular peo- ple, see Religious Creeds and Sta- tistics.
Canterbury, Ct.
Windham co. The first settlers of this town were principally from Dorchester, Mass. and its neighbor- hood. They came here about the year 1690. The soil of the town is a gravelly loam, generally fertile and productive. it lies 40 miles E. by S. from Hartford, and 6 S. from Brooklyn. Population, 1830, 1,881. The Quinnebaug is here a large and beautiful stream. It annually overflows its banks, and fertilizes a large tract upon its bor- ders. There is fine fishing in Bates5" pond. Considerable excitement manifested itself in this town, in 1832, in consequence of a Miss Crandall proposing to open a school for the instruction of “ Young la- dies and little misses of color.”— Although no one seemed to question the purity of Miss Crandall’s mo- tives, yet the people doubted the expediency of the measure.
Canton, Me.
Oxford co. Incorporated, 1821.
Population, 1837, 827. It lies on both sides of the Androscoggin riv- er, 32 miles W. N. W. from Au- gusta, and 24 N. E. from Paris. Canton produced, in 1837, 3,114 bushels of wheat.
Canton, Mass.
Norfolk co. Neponset river and several large ponds give this town a great water power. It lies 15 miles S. W. from Boston, and 5 S. by E. from Dedham. Incorporated, 1797. Population, 1830, 1,517; 1837, 2,185. The manufactures of Canton the year ending 1st of April, 1837, amounted to $695,- 180. They consisted of cotton and woolen goods, shoes, palm-leaf hats, copper, wicking, thread, candle- sticks, hoes, iron castings, trying squares, and “ shapes.” The bells manufactured at this place are of superior metal and sound. This place is easily approached from the capital by the Boston and Provi- dence rail-road. The viaduct, or bridge, on that road at this place, cost the company about $80,000. It is of massive hewn granite, 600 feet in length; 63 feet above the foundation, on 6 arches, with a suc- cession of arches at top. It is an admirable piece of workmanship.
Canton, Ct.
Hartford co. First settled, 1740. Incorporated, 1S06. Population, 1830, 1,437. Collinsville is the principal village in the town, at which a large amount of axes, of a superior quality, are annually made. It lies 16 miles N. W. by W. from Hartford, and 16 N. E. from Litch- field. This village presents a beau- tiful appearance, and is a noble specimen of individual enterprize. The soil of Canton is coarse and stony, and the surface hilly. Farm- ington river passes through its S. TV', corner.
Carlisle, Mass.
Middlesex co. This town lies |