and other manufacturing establish- ments. Lake Bombazine, 7 miles in length and 2 in breadth, is chief- ly in this town. It is stored with fish, and has an island near its cen- tre of exquisite beauty. The vil- lage of Castleton is elevated, neat- ly built, and presents a great vari- ety of rich and beautiful scenery.
Cavendish, Vt.
Windsor co. There are two flour- ishing villages in Cavendish, Dut- tdn’s village and Proctorsville. It is watered by Black river and Twen- ty Mile Stream, which afford a good hydraulic power. Here are in op- eration 4 large woolen factories, iron works, manufactures of tin, and many other branches of me- chanics. Along the streams the soil is excellent; the high land is good, but best adapted to grazing. Here are about 6,000 sheep. The channel of Black river, at the falls, has been worn down 100 feet. The effects of the water, at this place, are very curious. Hawk’s moun- tain separates this town from Balti- more. Cavendish, in common with most of the towns in Vermont, pre- sents a great variety of mountain scenery. It lies 10 miles S. W. from Windsor, and 60 S. from Mont- pelier. First settled, 1769. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,498.
Centre-Harborj E». II.,
Strafford co., is pleasantly situa- ted between Winnepisiogee and Squam lakes ; distant from Concord, 39 miles, Portsmouth 60, Boston 104. Measley pond is partly in this town. Squam lake furnishes fine trout, and has several islands valu- able for grazing. The soil is very good, mostly a rich loam. Centre Harbor is a delightful resting place, during the warm season, of tourists, to the White Mountains, and the great resort of those, visiting the Winnepisiogee lake and the great natural curiosities in the adjoining town of Moultonborough. The first settlements were made by Eb- enezer Chamberlain, in 1765, and Col. Joseph Senter, in 1767. Pop- ulation, in 1830, 577. |
Champlain. Lake.
This delightful expanse of water is the boundary line between New York and Vermont. Vermont em- braces about two thirds of its sur- face. New York is on the W. side, and the counties of Franklin, Chit- tenden, Addison, and a part of Rut- land, in the state of Vermont, lie on the E. At the N. it extends a few miles into Lowe? Canada, and receives the waters of Pike river. It discharges into the St. Lawrence by the Richelieu, Sorel, or Chambly river. Among its tributaries from Vermont are ihe Missisque, Lam- | oille, Onion, Otter, and Pawlet riv- ers. From New York it receives the waters of the Chazy, Saranac, Sable, Bouquet, and Wood rivers, and of Lake George. Its length is about 130 miles : its breadth varies from 1 to 12 miles : average breadth about 3 miles. It abounds with salmon, trout, pickerel and other fish. It is navigable for vessels of 90 tons burthen, and splen- did steamboats are continually ply- ing, in the season of navigation, from Whitehall, along its beautiful shores, to St. John’s in Canada.— This lake contains about 60 islands, is' remarkable for its splendid scene- ry, and renowned in ancient and modern stories for its scenes of war- like achievements. Lake Cham- plain is a great resort, both for bu- siness and pleasure.
In the Register, under Burling- ton, may be found some notes for travellers.
Chaplin, Ct.
Windham co. Taken from Mans- field, Hampton and Windham, in 1832. It is watered by Natchaug river, which passes nearly through its centre. The town is small, but the soil is good, and populated hy |