industrious farmers, who, by their practice of keeping a large number of sheep, seem to be convinced of the fact that wool is one of the most important staples of New England. It lies 10 miles W. by N. from Brooklyn, and 30 E. by N. from Hartford.
Charlemont, Mass.
Franklin co. Deerfield river me- anders through this town, and gives it a good water power. Garrisons were erected here in 1754, against the savage French and Indians. Their remains are now visible. In- corporated, 1765. Population, 1837, 994. It lies 110 miles W. N. W. from Boston, and 14 W. by N. from Greenfield. Although this is a mountainous township, it contains much valuable land. It maintains about 5,000 merino and other sheep. Its manufactures consist of boots, shoes, leather, iron castings, axes, hoes, palm-leaf hats, saddlery, scythe snaiths, and lather boxes.
Charles Rivers.
Charles river, in Massachusetts, is the Quinobequin of the Indians. This river rises on the borders of Hopkinton and Milford, and after meandering through Bellingham, Franklin, Medway, Medfield,Sher- burne, Dover, Dedham, Need- ham, Natick, Newton, Waltham and Watertown, it meets the tide waters, and forms a part of Boston harbor. It is navigable to "Water- town, 7 miles W. from Boston.
Charles river, in R. I., has its source in Warden’s pond, in South Kingston, and empties into the Pawcatuck, at Westerly.
Charleston, Me.
Penobscot co. At the source of Pushaw lake. Bounded W. by Gar- land. It lies 25 miles S. W. from Belfast, and 73 N. W. from Augus- ta. This township is fine wheat land; it yielded, in 1837, 7,606 bushels. Incorporated, 18.11. Pop- ulation, 1837, 1,140. |
Charleston, Vt.
Orleans co. Echo pond, the out- let of lake Seymour, waters this town. Lake Seymour is a large sheet of water, and passes N. into lake Memphremagog. Charleston lies about 35 miles N.E. from Hyde- park, 55 N. N. E. from Montpelier, and 15 S. of Canada line. Popula- tion, 1830, 564.
Charlestown, N. H.,
Sullivan co., is? situated on Con- necticut river, 51 miles from Con- ■ cord, 100 from Boston, 100 from Albany, 110 from Hartford, Conn., and 18 miles from Windsor, Vt. The only rivers in Charlestown are the Connecticut and Little Su- gar rivers. In the former, there are three islands within the limits of this town, the largest of which contains about ten acres, and is call- ed Sartwell’s island. The others contain about six acres each, and have a rich loamy soil. Sartwell’s island is under a high cultivation There are no falls in this river with- in the limits of Charlestown which interrupt the boat navigation, al- though some little inconvenience is experienced in low water from what are called “ Sugar river bars.” Little Sugar river waters the north part of Charlestown, and empties into Connecticut river about two miles south of the S. line of Clare- mont. This town has but few fac- tory or mill privileges. The soil is extremely various. West of the great road leading from Wal- pole to Claremont, are not less than
1,500 acres of fine intervale land, generally of a deep, rich and loamy soil, and favorable for the culture and growth of most of the various kinds of grass and grain. In the E. and N. E. parts of the town, the soil of the upland is good—the nat- ural growth of wood, consisting |