ed with summer houses, and the latter are ornamented with groves of fruit and ornamental trees, shrub- bery and flowers. Surrounding the lower garden and within the enclo- sure, is a carriage path, where pa- tients are taken to ride. In the centre is a small fresh water pond, containing several hundred gold and silver fish, and immediately contig- uous is a summer house, where the patients at times resort for games and amusements.
The system of moral treatment adopted and pursued, is founded up- on principles of elevated benevo- lence and philanthropy, and an ac- quaintance with human nature and the capabilities and wants of the insane. The previous tastes, hab- its and pursuits, and the present in- clinations and feelings of each in- dividual, are habitually consulted. A library for the use of the patients has been purchased, and those of them who are disposed to read, are permitted at stated periods to send m their names and the number of the book desired ; the list is exam- ined and approved by the physician, and the books are distributed by the librarian. In the same way, writ- ing materials are distributed, and patients are engaged in keeping journals—writing sketches of their lives—poetry—addressing letters to their friends, drawing, &e. Some engage in games, as bowling— throwing the ring—battledore—gra- ces—-jumping the rope—chess— draughts—hack gammon, &c., or are occupied in walking and riding into the country, or in making fish- ing excursions in the company of their attendants; while others are workiqg on the farm and in the garden. The female patients, be- sides being employed in various ! kinds of needle and ornamental work, are engaged in various do- mestic labors. The quiet and con- valescent patients regularly attend the religious exercises of the fam- ily, and a portion of them join in 8
the vocal and instrumental music of the occasion; a part of this num- ber also attend church on the Sab- bath, in company with the nurses and attendants, and dine with the family. A regulated intercourse with the family and society is re- garded as an important auxiliary in the meais of cure, and on suitable occasions they are invited into the house, where parties are* made for their special amusement and bene- fit.
John- McLleajnt, Esq., late of Boston, an eminent merchant, be- queathed a large amount of prop- erty to this institution; hence its name.
Bunker Hill Monument. On the 17th of June, 1825, the corner stone of an Obelisk was laid on the heights j in this town, by the illustrious La Fayette, to commemorate the battle between the Americans and Brit- ish on the 17th of June, 1775. In that battle, 449 Americans and 1,055 Britons were slain. Charles- town was burnt by the British the same day. The site of the Monu- ment is 62 feet above the level of 'the sea. It is of hewn granite, and, when completed, will be 30 feet square at the base, 15 feet square at the top, and 220 feet in height. It is now raised about 60 feet, and will probably be complet- ed in one or two years. The cost of it will be about $100,000.
The State Prison. This institu- tion was founded in 1800, and soon after located on a point of land in this town, near East Cambridge, and which is connected with Canal bridge by a lateral bridge of 1,820 feet in length. After having strug- i gled with many and great difficul- ties attendant on the establishment of an institution so entirely new, the state, by the agency of suitable men, have so placed it as to effect all the objects proposed, without any expense to the commonwealth.
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