Charlestown, R. I.
Washington co. Charlestown lies on the sea, opposite to Block Island. It has five large ponds, which cov- er an area of 7 square miles.— Charlestown and Conaquetogue ponds are salt water, and Posquis- sett,Watchaug and Cochumpaug are fresh water. These waters afford a great variety of fish. Near the sea, the land is arable, but the inte- rior of the town is more fit for the growth of wood. This town con- tains the graves of the remnant of the tribe of the once powerful and dreaded Naraganset Indians. They possessed a considerable tract of land in this town, but owing to a dislike to agricultural pursuits, and by intermarriages with the whites and negroes, their race as a distinct people has long since be- come extinct. Charles river pas- ses through the town, and gives it mill privileges. Charlestown lies about 8 miles W. S. W. from South Kingston, and 40 S. W. from Provi- dence. Population, 1830, 1,284.
Charlotte, Me.
Washington co. Incorporated, 1825. Population, 1S37,612. About 25 miles N. W. from Machias, and 184 E. by N. from Augusta. Char- lotte contains a pond, the waters of which pass through Dennysville and empty in Cobscook bay.
Charlotte, Vt.
This is a pleasant town, in Chit- tenden county, on lake Cham- plain, and opposite to Essex, N. Y. In Essex, about 3 miles across the lake, is Split Rock, a great nat- ural curiosity. Charlotte lies 49 miles W. of Montpelier, 11 S. of Burlington and 21 N. W. of Mid- dlebury. A part of this town grad- ually slopes toward the lake, and is very productive. Its trade is chiefly with Canada. From the principal village, “ The Four Cor- ners,†the lake, and the mountains that skirt its borders, present a very romantic appearance. Population, in 1830, 1,702. |
Charlton, Mass.
Worcester co. Charlton was set off from Oxford, 1754. It lies 53 miles S. W. from Boston, and 12 W. N. W. from Worcester. Pop- ulation, 1837, 2,469. There is a cotton mill in this town, and some manufactures of leather and shoes.
Chatham, X. H.,
Strafford co., is situated on the E. side of the White Mountains, and adjoining the line which divides this state from Maine. It has Con- way on the S., Bartlett and Jackson on the W., Mount Royse on the N. Chatham was granted to Peter Livius and others, Feb. 7, 1767. There are several ponds in Chat- ham,and some considerable streams. The surface is mountainous and rocky, and can never sustain a great population. Between Chat- i ham and Jackson, Carter’s moun- tain rises so high as to prevent the opening a road between the two towns: so that in holding an inter- course with the rest of the county, the inhabitants are obliged to pass through part of the state of Maine. Population, in 1830, 419.
Chatham, Mass.,
Barnstable co., lies on the el- bow of Cape Cod, south side. Pleas- ant bay, inside of Chatham beach, forms a good harbor. Chatham is 20 miles E. from Barnstable, fcnd 32 S. S. E. from Provincetown. Incorporated, 1712. Population, 1S37, 2,271. The value of the cod and mackerel fisheries, for the year ending April 1, 1837, was $56,- 100;—value of salt made, $8,220; —value of boots and shoes made, $1,500. There are, belonging to this place, about 20 sail of fisher- men and 30 coasters. |