1200 pounds. The value of wool, the growth of 1836, sold for ,*>5,522. TheTIoosack river passes through the town. Although a mountain- ous township, the soil has been rendered productive by the industry of the people. It has some manu- factures of leather and shoes. 125 miles W. N. W. from Boston, and 16 N. by E. from Lenox. Popula- tion, 1837, 924. Incorporated, 1793.
Cheshire, Ct.
New Haven co. Taken from Wallingford in 1780. It lies 14 miles N. from New Haven, and 25 S. E. from Hartfotd. Population, 1830, 1,780. The Quinnipiac river and Farmington canal pass through the town. Cheshire has an un- even, but good soil, with a very pleasant village, and an Episcopal academy, 54 by 34 feet;—a brick building of considerable taste. Ag- riculture is the chief occupation of the inhabitants.
Chester, Me.
Penobscot co. Incorporated, 1834.
Population, 1837, 323. See Bar- nard, .Me.
Chester, 3Sf. H., |
Rockingham co., is 17miles W. S. W. from Exeter, 30 W. S. W. from Portsmouth, 17 N. W. from Haver- hill, and 23 S. E. from Concord. A branch of Exeter river, called “The Branch,” flows through the N. E. part of Chester, beside which there is no stream deserving men- tion. Massabesick pond is the larg- est body of fresh water in the coun- ty, and contains about 1,500 acres. The line between this town and Manchester passes more than 2 miles through the westerly part of this pond. The Indians had a set- tlement of 10 or 12 wigwams on an island in this pond, vestiges of which, itissaid, may still be seen. A considerable portion of the town possesses a good soil, and many of the large swells yield in fertility to none in the state. There are sever- al large and valuable meadows. In this town are two caves, sometimes visited by strangers. That which was earliest noticed, is situated in Mine hill, near the east side of Massabesick pond. The entrance is about 5 feet high and 2 1-2 wide. The cavern extends into the hill, in a northern direction, about 80 feet, of sufficient dimensions to admit a person to pass. Its form is very ir- regular, and its .height and breadth various, from 2 to 12 feet. The oth- er is in the westerly side of Rattle- snake hill, in the S. W. part of the town, in a ledge of coarse granite, nearly 40 feet high. It has two entrances. The north entrance is about 11 feet high and 4 broad. Native sulphur is found in this town in small quantities, imbedded in tremolite. Granite and gneiss are the prevailing rocks, and handsome specimens of graphic granite are sometimes found. The village in this town, is pleasant, and stands chiefly on a long street. It is the principal place of business in this part of the county, and is situated on an elevated rise, commanding one of the most extensive prospects in New England. From this hill, the ocean, though more than 20 miles distant, may, in a clear day, be distinctly seen. Population, 1830, 2,039. Incorporated, 1722.
Chester, Vt.
Windsor co. First settled, 1764. Population, 1830, 2,320. Three considerable streams form William’s river and give Chester a good water power. The land is uneven, but fertile and productive. This is a very pleasant town, with two hand- some villages, manufactures of va- rious kinds,and about 10,000 sheep. This is a great thoroughfare for trav- ellers from the eastern part of New England to the Hudson river, near Troy, N. Y. The passage over the Green Mountains, from Chester to Manchester, is considered the hest |