gravelly soil. Excellent iron ore is found here.
Rev. John Bulkley, a grandson of president Chauncy, was the first settled minister in this place. Mr. Bulkley was a very distinguished scholar. He died in 1731. He published a curious treatise, in which he contended that the In- dians had no just claims to any lands but such as they had subdued and improved by their own labor. The following story is told in an old book.
“ The Rev. Mr. Bulkley of Col- chester, Conn., was famous in his day a.s a casuist and sage counsel- lor. A church in hi3 neighborhood had fallen into unhappy divisions and contentions, which they were unable to adjust among themselves. They deputed one of their number to the venerable Bulkley, for his services, with a request that he would send it to them in writing. The matters were taken into serious consideration, and the advice, with much deliberation, committed to writing. It so happened, that Mr. Bulkley had a farm in an extreme ; part of the town, upon which he : entrusted a tenant. In superscrib- ing the two letters, the one for the church was directed to the tenant, and the one for the tenant to the church. The church was conven- ed to hear the advice which was to settle all their disputes. The mod- erator read as follows: You will see to the repair of the fences, that they he built high and strong, and you ■will take special care of the old black bull. This mystical advice puzzled the church at first, but an interpreter among the more dis- cerning ones was soon found, who said, Brethren, this is the very ad- vice we most need; the directions to repair the fences is to admonish us to take good heed in the admis- sion and government of our mem- bers : we must guard the church by our Master’s laws, and keep out strange cattle from the fold. And we must in a particular manner set a watchful guard over the Devil, the old black bull, who has done so much hurt of late. All perceived the wisdom and fitness of Mr. Bulk- Iey’s advice, and resolved to be gov- erned by it. The consequence was, all the animosities subsided, and harmony was restored to the long afflicted church.” |
Colebrook, 3ST. H.,
Coos co., on Connecticut river, about 35 miles N. of Lancaster. It is watered by the Mohawk river and Beaver brook. The soil here is rich, and capable of culture. In- tervales of good quality stretch along the Connecticut. Colebrook was originally granted to Sir George Colebrook and others, and was in- corporated Dec. 1, 1790. There is an academy in this town, incorpo- rated in 1833. Population, 1830, 542.
Colebrook, Ct.
Litchfield co. An elevated town- ship of a hard gravelly soil and un- even surface, on the line of Mas- sachusetts ; 31 miles N. W. from Hartford, and IS N. E. from Litch- field. The eastern part of the town is watered by Farmington river. Here are a number of good mill seats, and a manufactory of broad- cloth. The village is very plea- sant, having Mount Pisgah in the rear. First settled, 1765. Popu- lation, 1830, 1,332.
Coleraine, Mass.
Franklin co. This town was first settled by a colony from the north of Ireland, about the year 1738. It lies 105 miles N. W. from Boston, and 9 N. W. from Greenfield. It is watered by a branch of Deerfield river, which produces a water pow- er for 3 cotton mills and several other manufactories. The manu- factures consist of cotton goods, iron castings, leather, hats, chairs, cab- inet ware, ploughs, spades, shovels, forks, and hoes ; total value, in one |