year, $91,000. This is a fine graz- ing township, and produced, in 1837, 16,123 pounds of wool, valu- ed at $9,133, the fleeces of 5,75-1 sheep. Population, 1S37, 1,998.
Colleges in New England.
See Register.
Columbia, 3Ie.
Washington co. At the head of tide water, on the W. side of Plea- sant river. It is a very large town- ship, well provided with mill seats, and was settled soon after the rev- olutionary war. It lies 15 miles W. from Machias, and 120 E. by N. from Augusta. Columbia has con- siderable trade, particularly in lum- ber. Population, 1837, 793.
Columbia, N. H.,
In the county of Coos, lies on the E. bank of Connecticut river, 30 miles N. of Lancaster, and 147 N. of Concord. The surface of the town is quite uneven, the moun- tains of Stratford lying along the S. From these a number of streams descend north-westerly into the Connecticut, furnishing many fine mill seats. There are also several small ponds in town. On the bor- ders of one, called Lime pond, vast quantities of shells are found, from which a species of lime is made that answers for some uses. It was incorporated 1797. Population, 1830, 442.
Columbia, Ct. |
Tolland co. Taken from Leba- non, in 1800. It is 22 miles E. from Hartford, and about 14 S. by E. from Tolland. Population, 1830. 962. Columbia is watered by a branch of the Willimantic, and has a satinet factory, and other ope- rations by water. The surface is uneven; the soil hard and gravelly, but excellent for grazing. In this place, about the year 1741, the Rev. Dr. Eleazar Wheeiock, the first president of Dartmouth College, opened a school for the instruction of Indian youth. He removed his family and pupils to Hanover, N. H., in the autumn of 1770. The snow was very deep, and Hanover was a wilderness. “ Sometimes standing in the open air, at the head of his numerous family, Dr. Whee- lock presented to God their morn- ing and evening prayers : the sur- rounding forests, for the first time, reverberated the solemn sounds of supplication and praise.” This good man died in 1779, aged 69.
Concord, 3Ie.
Somerset co. Incorporated in 1821. Population, 1837, 524. Con- cord lies on the IV. side of Kenne- bec river, 55 miles N. from Augus- ta, and about 20 N. from Norridge- wcek. This is a good township, and produced, in 1S37, 3,121 bush- els of wheat.
Concord, N. H.,
The capitolof the state, and shire town of the county of Merrimack. It lies on both sides of the Merri- mack river, in N. lat. 43° 12' 29", and W. Ion. 71° 29f; and is 116 miles S. W. from Augusta, Me.; 97 S. E. from Montpelier, Vt.; 153 N. E. from Albany, N. Y.; 65 N. N. W. from Boston, Mass.; 103 N. from Providence, R. I. ; 139 N. N. E. from Hartford, Conn., and 474 N. E. by E. from Washington. There are five ponds in Concord, the largest of which are Turkey, in the S. VV., and Long pond in the N. W. parts of the town, on the streams passing from which are some valuable mills and privileges. The Contoocook river enters the W. corner of the town, and uniting with tbe Merrimack on the N. W. line, forms at its junction the cel- ebrated Duston’s Island. On the borders of the Merrimack, which is the principal river of this region, are rich intervale lands, highly val- ued by tbe inhabitants, and well cultivated. Soon after entering |