market, it has been ascertained by a recent examination (made by Mr. A. H. Hayes, of Roxbury, Mass., and other eminent chemists and geologists,) that the stone from this quarry is perfectly free from those oxides, or other mineral substances, which on exposure to the atmos- phere, mar the beauty of much of the New England granite. This stone quarries easily; the great ele- vation and dip of the ledge, and its proximity to the river, giving it facil- ities of working and transportation, if is believed unequalled. From the base of the ledge to the bank of the Merrimack, a rail-way is contem- plated, the proprietors of the ledge having already obtained a charter for that purpose. As the great fa- cility of transportation by way of the river to the markets, becomes known, together with the fact, that the upward freight would, during a great portion of the year, go far towards remunerating the cost of transportation of this stone to the seaboard—the situation, extent, and value of this quarry will he seen and appreciated. On several large perpendicular faces of the ledge, protected by shelving rocks from vegetable stains, but exposed for ages perhaps to the atmosphere, the stone is found to be entirely free from any coloring or stain, preserv- ing its natural color. The amount of the whole mass, when wrought; can scarcely he estimated. This representation is derived from gen- tlemen of Concord not at all in- terested in the quarry, and is here given, with the sole qualification, that if the quality of the stone is as pure as i3 stated, there is no danger of over-estimating the value of the quarry. A specimen of this granite is with the editor for examination. Concord, originally called Pena- cooky was granted by Massachu- setts to a company of settlers, 17th Jan., 1725, and the settlement began the year following. In 1733, the plantation was incorporated by the
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name of Rwnford, which name it retained until 7th June, 1765, when the town was incorporated by its present name. This town suffered much from incursions of the savages. Several of the inhab- itants were killed, and others taken into captivity, between the years 1740 and 1750. The manufactures of Concord are numerous and val- uable. They consist of books, fur- ! niture of all kinds, boots, shoes,
; granite, lumber, and a variety ol ; other articles. The manufacture of books is very extensive, and an- nually increasing.
Population in 1775,1,052; in 1790, 1,747; in 1800, 2,052 ; in 1810, 2,393; in 1S20, 2,888; and in 1830, 3,727. The present population is between 4 and 5 thousand.
Among the early inhabitants and distinguished citizens of this town, may be mentioned the following :
Hon. Timothy Walker, son of the first minister of Concord, an active patriot during the revolution, member of the convention of 1784, a legislator, and judge of the com- mon pleas. He died May 5, 1822, aged 85.
Dr. Philip Carrigain, an eminent physician, who died in
Hon. Thomas W. Thompson, a distinguished lawyer and politi- cian, who died 1 Oct., 1S21, aged 57.
Sir Benjamin Thompson (known to the world as Count Rumford) settled and married here in early life.
John Farmer, Esq., an emin- ent antiquary and genealogist, re- sided here for the last seventeen years of his life, and died 13 Aug., 1838, aged 49. Mr. Farmer’s health was always exceedingly delicate: he therefore, partly of necessity and partly of choice, adopted a very sedentary mode of life. He col- lected around him hooks of ancient date—gathered together early rec- ords of towns—notices of the first |