the errors complained of appear from the files and records. It holds one term in each county annually. Though this body, as a court, has cog- nizance only of writs of error, yet, as all the members are Judges of tbe Superior Court, a convenient opportunity is afforded, while they are thus assembled, for hearing arguments on motions for new trials and cases stated. These, of course, occupy a considerable portion of the term The opinions of the Judges upon them are given hy way of advice to the Superior Court, in which the cases are respectively pending. This advice is always followed, it being understood as settling the law.
A Judge of the Superior Court of Errors, designated by that court for the purpose, constitutes the Superior Court; two terms of which are held in each county annually. This court has cognizance of civil actions at law brought by appeal from the County, City, and Probate Courts, and of suits for relief in chancery, wherein the value of the matter in demand exceeds $33-5. In criminal causes it has exclusive jurisdiction of offence.s punishable with death or imprisonment for life ; and, concur- rent with the County Courts, of all other offences not committed to the jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace. It has also cognizance of writs of error brought to revise the decisions of inferior tribunals; of petitions for divorce, and of writs of scire facias, audita querela, and petitions for new trials relative to matters in or issuing from the court. In capital cases, the Judge holding the court is to call to his assistance one or more of the other Judges.
The County Courts consist of one Chief Judge and two Associate Judges, who are appointed annually hy the General Assembly. This court has original jurisdiction of all civil actions at law, wherein the value of the matter in demand exceeds $35, and appellate jurisdiction of all such actions wherein the value in demand exceeds $7. It has also original and final jurisdiction of suits for relief in equity, wherein the value in demand does not exceed §335, except suits for relief against a judgment rendered on a cause depending at law in the Superior Court.
In criminal jurisdiction, it has cognizance of all offences above the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace, and not exclusively within that of the Superior Court. It is also vested with powers relative to the laying out of roads, granting licences, the appointment of survey- ors, &c.
Justices of the Peace have cognizance of all actions at law of a civil nature, wherein the value in demand does not exceed $35, and of all offences and crimes punishable by fine not exceeding $7, or by impris- onment not exceeding thirty days, or both.
In each of the six cities—Hartford, New Haven, New London, Nor-
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