rocky and precipitous. In the spring it overflows its banks, and, through its winding course of nearly 400 miles, forms and fertilizes a vast tract of rich meadow. In point of length, utility, and beauty, this river forms a distinguished feature of New England.
Large quantities of shad are taken in this river, but the salmon, which formerly were very plenty, have entirely disappeared. Connecticut river passes through a basin or val- ley of about 1-2,000 square miles ; it is decorated, on each side, with towns and villages of superior beauty, and presents to tbe eye a wonderful variety of enchanting scenery.
Connecticut Lake,
The source of one of the princi- pal branches of Connecticut river, is situated in latitude 45° 2'; and is 5 1-2 miles in length, and 2 1-2 in width. It is supplied by several small streams, rising in the high- lands north of the lake.
ContoocooR River, X. H.,
A stream of considerable length and importance, waters most of the towns in the W. part of the county of Hillsborough. It has its origin from several ponds in JafFrey and Rindge, and in its course north re- ceives numerous streams from Dub- lin, Peterborough, Sharon, Nel- son, Stoddard, Washington, Antrim, Deering, and Hillsborough. In Hillsborough it takes a N. E. and easterly direction, and proceeds through Henniker to Hopkinton, where it receives Warner and Black- water rivers. From Hopkinton, it pursues a meandering course through Concord, and discharges itself into the Merrimack between Concord and Boscawen. Near the mouth of this river is Duston's Island, celebrated as the spot where Mrs. Duston destroyed several In- dians, in 1698. |
Conway, 3Y. H.,
Strafford co., on Saco river, is 72 miles N. N. E. from Concord, 60 N. by W. from Dover,and 57 N. W. from Portland, Me. Swift river, a considerable and very rapid stream, Pequawkett river, and a stream tak- ing its rise in Walker’s pond, the two last affording mill privileges, discharge themselves into Saco riv- er in this town. Saco river here is from 10 to 12 rods wide, and about 2 feet deep; its currenl^j-apid and broken by falls. ^Tfiis river has been known to i|se 27 and even SO feet in the cowrse of 24 hours. The largest collections of water in Conway are a part of Walker’s pond, and Little Pequawkett pond, which lie in the south part of the town. There is a detached block of granite on the southern side of Pine hill, the largest perhaps in the state. A spring near the centre of the town,on the bank of Cold brook, strongly impregnated with sulphur, has'been visited frequently by the infirm, and in many instances found beneficial. There are also in this town large quantities of magnesia and fuller’s earth. The intervale along the river is from 50 to 220 rods wide. The plain, when prop- erly cultivated, produces large crops of corn and rye. Conway is quite a resort for travellers from the east and south to the White Moun- tains. From Conway village to Crawford’s house, at the Notch, is 34 miles N. W. Daniel Foster, in 1765, obtained a grant of this town- ship, containing 21,040 acres, on condition that each grantee should pay a rent of one ear of Indian corn annually for the space of ten years, if demanded. Pop. 1830, 1,601.
Conway, Mass.
Franklin co. This town is divid- ed from Shelburne, on the north, hy Deerfield river. It lies 100 miles W. by N. from Boston, and 7 S. W. from Greenfield. Incorporated, |