Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 117
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Kenduskeag stream, and produced,
in 1837, 9,017 bushels of wheat.
Population, same year, 1,232.

Corinth, Vt.

Orange co. Two branches of
Wait’s river water this town. It is
20 miles S. E. from Montpelier, and
10 N. E. from Chelsea. First set-
tled, 1777. Population, 1830,1,953.
Corinth is pleasant, with a rough,
strong soil, and very healthy; it
has some water power and keeps
about 7,000 sheep.

Cornish, Me.

York co. Bounded N. by the Saco
and Great Ossipee rivers. 83 miles
S. W. from Augusta, 32 W. by N.
from Portland, and 25 N. from Al-
fred. Incorporated, 1794. Popula-
tion, 1837,1,180. Cornish produces
good crops of wheat and some wool.

Cornish, N. H.,

Sullivan co., is 17 miles N.
from Charlestown, 50 N. W. by W.
from Concord, and 12 N. W. from
Newport. Connecticut river waters
the west part of this town, and by
means of abridge connects Cornish
with Windsor, Vt. The soil is gen-
erally fertile. The town is hilly,
with the exception of that part
which lies on the river. Blow-me-
down and Bryant’s brooks are the
only streams of any magnitude—
these afford good mill privileges,
which are improved for a woolen
factory, a large number of saw, and
other mills. The agricultural pro-
ducts of this town are very consid-
erable. Cornish was granted June
21, 1763, to Rev. Samuel McClin-
tock, of Greenland, and 69 others.
The town was settled in 1765.—
Population, 1830, 1,687.

Cornville, Me.

Somerset co. This town is well
watered by the Wessaransett river,
a branch of the Kennebec. There
is much choice land in Cornville. A
few of the inhabitants, in 1837, by
way of experiment, raised 7000
bushels of wheat. Incorporated,

1798. Population, 1837, 2,112.
Bounded S. by Skowhegan: 38 miles
N. from Augusta, and about 13 N.
E. from Norridgewock.

Cornwall, Vt.

Addison co. This is a level town-
ship of excellent land, watered by
Otter creek and Lemonfair river, but
without any good mill sites. Not-
withstanding there is a very large
swamp in this town, the people are
healthy, and many live to a very
great age. Very beautiful calca-
reous spar, in rhomboidal crystals, is
found here. The population of
Cornwall, in 1830, was 1,264. The
number of sheep, in 1837, was about

16,000. It lies 60 miles S. W. from
Montpelier, and bounded N. E. by
Middlebury. First settled, 1774.

Cornwall, Ct.

Litchfield co. This mountainous
township lies on the east side of
Housatonick river, 38 miles W.
from Hartford, 48 N. from New Ha-
ven, and 13 N. by W. from Litch-
field.^ First settled, 1740. Popu-
lation, 1830, 1.714. The scenery
about the south village is very beau-
tiful. “ The cheerful appearance
of the church and the little cluster
of white buildings surrounding it,
at the bottom of a deep valley, is
uncommonly pleasing. The moun-
tains and lofty hills which rise im-
mediately on almost every side,
shutting out,in a sense, the most of
the world from this apparently re-
tired spot, present a bold and most
striking feature in the landscape.”
This village is the place where a
Foreign Mission School was estab-
lished in
1SI8. “This school had
its rise from the attempt to qualify
Obookiah, a pious Owyheean youth,
and others, for missionaries to their
native lands. Obookiah was brought
to this country in 1808, and came to
New Haven. While here, Samuel
J. Mills, a student in Yale Col-


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