lege, and other pious persons, com- miserating his condition, instructed him in the Christian religion.— Obookiah soon became hopefully pious, and strongly advocated a mis- sion to his countrymen. Other na- tives of his island were found, and a school was established for their benefit at Cornwall. In 1S20, the number of pupils in this school was 29, of whom 19 were American In- dians, and 6 from the islands of the Pacific ocean. Obookiah sickened and died in Cornwall in 1318. The following is the inscription on his monument in the village grave yard.
“In memory of Henry Obookiah, a native of Owyhee. His arrival in this country gave rise to the For- eign Mission School, of which he was a worthy member. He was once an Idolater, and was designed for a Pagan Priest; but by the grace of God, and by the prayers and in- structions of pious friends,he became a Christian. He was eminent for piety and missionary zeal. When almost prepared to return to his na- tive isle to preach the gospel, God took him to himself. in his last sickness he wept and prayed for Owyhee, but was submissive. He died without fear, with a heavenly smile on his countenance and glory in his soul, Feb. 17th, 1818, aged 26.”
Coventry, X. H.,
Grafton co., is 70 miles N. N. W. from Concord, and 12 E. S. E. from Haverhill. This town is wa- tered by branches of Oliverian brook and Wild Amonoosuck rivers. In the S. E. part of Coventry is Moose- hitlock mountain. Owl-head moun- tain lies in the W. part of this town. Coventry presents a rough and mountainous aspect, and the soil in several parts is not capable of cul- tivation. This town was granted Jan. 31, 1764, fo Theophilus Fitch and others, and was settled after the commencement of the revolutionary war. Population, 1S30, 441. |
Coventry, Vt.
Orleans co. This is a good town- ship of land, and is watered by Bar- ton’s and Black rivers, two good mill streams, running north into Memphremagog lake. First set- tled, 1800. Population, 1830, 728. The south part of the lake lies in Coventry, and gives i-t some trade to Canada. Here are about 2,500 sheep. Coventry lies 47 miles N. by E. from Montpelier, and has Iras- burgh on the south.
Coventry, R. I.
Kent co. This is a very large township, extending to the north line of Connecticut, and admirably watered by numerous ponds and by Flat river, an important branch of the Pawtucket. Coventry has long been noted for the number and va- riety of its manufactures, particu- larly of cotton and wool. The soil of the town is well adapted to agri- cultural pursuits: it is well improv- ed, and a large amount of the pro- ducts of the dairy, &c., is annually produced. There are a number of pleasant villages in Coventry, all of which are flourishing, both in manufacturing and trade. This town was distinguished for its pat- riotism during the revolutionary contest. Coventry was incorpora- ted in 1742. It lies 10 miles S. W. from Providence, and 8 N. W. from East Greenwich. Population, 1830, 3,851.
Coventry, Ct.
Tolland co. The Wangombog, a beautiful poud, and the Skungamug, Hop and Willimantic rivers, give Coventry a good water power. In the south part of the town are two cotton and two woolen manufacto- ries, a machine shop and other im- portant mechanical operations by water. This town was the gift of |