Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 119
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Mohegan Sachem, and was first set-
tled in 1700. The surface is un-
even, and the soil a gravelly loam.

Coventry lies 18 miles E. from
Hartford, and bounded N. by Tol-
land. Population, 1830,2,119. This
town is celebrated as the birth place
of Capt.
Nathan Hale, who vol-
unteered his services to Washington
to discover the position of the ene-
my on Long Island. He fell a mar-
tyr to American liberty, Sept. 22,
1776, aged 22.

duction of fruits and vegetables
than for grain. Some parts of the
town are very fertile, but considera-
ble of the land is rough and uneven.
Providence market is supplied with
a considerable amount of the pro-
ducts of the town. The manufac-
ture of cotton is very extensively
pursued. The water power of the
Pawtuxet and Powchasset are con-
stant and abundant. Cranston is a
very pleasant town, and its proxim-
ity to Providence, (only five miles
south west) gives it peculiar privi-
leges. Population, 1830, 2,653.

Crawford, Me.

Washington co. Incorporated,
' 1828. This is a good township of
land, and was formerly called Ad-
ams. A large pond in Crawford
and apart of another are the sour-
ces of a branch of East Machias
river. Population, 1837, 311. Lo-
cated about 30 miles N. from Ma-
chias and 140 E. N. E. from'Au-

Crooked River, Me.,

Rises in ponds in Oxford county;
passes through Harrison, Otisfield,
! and Raymond, and joins the outlet
of Long pond into Sebago lake.

Cross Island, Me.

A large island, off Machias bay,
attached to the town of Cutler.

Croydon, N. H.,

Sullivan co., is 44 miles N. N.
W. from Concord, and 8 N. from
Newport. The N. branch of Su-
gar river waters this town. On this
stream is a woolen factory and other
mills. Croydon mountain is of con-
siderable elevation, on which are
two small ponds. The soil of Croy-
don is moist and rocky, and produ-
ces valuable crops. Croydon was
granted by charter to Samuel Chase,
and others, May 31, 1763. It was
settled in 1766. Population, 1830,

Lorenzo Dow, an itinerant
preacher, celebrated for bis eccen-
tricity was born in Coventry, Octo-
ber, 16, 1777. It is said that during
the 33 years of his ministry he travel-
led in this and foreign countries two
hundred thousand miles. He died at
Georgetown, D. C., Feb. 2, 1834.

Craftsbury, Vt.

Orleans co. Col. Ebenezer Crafts
was the father of this little repub-
lic. He died, much honored, in
1810, aged 70. Craftsbury was
settled in 1789. It lies 25 miles S.
of the Canada line, 25 miles N. from
Montpelier, and about 15 S. S. W.
from Irasburgh. Population, 1830,
982. This town is finely watered j
by Black river, Wild Branch, and
5 large natural ponds well stored
with trout. The village in the cen-
tre of the town is elevated, com-
manding a delightful prospect.

Cranberry Islands.

Hancock co. These islands were
attached to the town of Mount
Desert until 1830, when they were
incorporated. They lie a few miles
E. by S. from Mount Desert, and
embrace Great and Little Cranber-
ry, Sutton’s and Baker’s islands.
These islands afford good harbors,
and are well located for tbe shore
fishery. Population, 1837, 183.

Cranston, R. I.

Providence co. The soil of this
town is more favorable for tbe pro-


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