Cumberland County, Me.
Portland, chief town. Bounded N. by Oxford county, E. by Lin- coln county, S. by the Atlantic ocean, and York county and a part of Oxford. Area about 990 square miles. Population, 1820, 49,445; 1830,60,113; 1837, 67,619. This is an excellent county of land, and under good cultivation. The commerce and manufactures of Portland and neighboring towns is very extensive. Casco bay is within the county, and affords it unrivalled privileges for navigation and the fisheries. It is watered by several large mill streams; and the Cumberland and Oxford canal to Sebago lake, within the county, gives to its chief town’considerable inland trade. In 1837 there were 37,803 bushels of wheat raised in the county, and it contained 71,000 sheep.
Cumberland, Me.
Cumberland co. Set off from the westerly part of North Yarmouth in 1821. Population, 1837, 1,525. 64 miles S. W. from Augusta, and 10 N. from Portland. Cumberland is pleasantly situated on Casco bay, and enjoys many navigable facili- ties.
Cumberland, R. I.
Providence co. The manufac- ture of cotton and boat building is extensively pursued in this town. Pawtucket, Mill and Peter’s rivers, and Abbot’s run, afford the town a good hydraulic power. There is some good land in Cumberland, producing a variety of articles for Providence market; from which it is distant 8 miles N. Population, 1830, 3,675. See Smithfield.
Cummmgton, Mass.
Hampshire co. Located 110 miles W. from Boston, and 20 W. N. W. from Northampton. Incorporated, 1779. Population, 1837, 1,204. In this town are good mill seats on 10 |
Westfield river. ..It is a mountain- ous township but excellent for graz- ing. It produced, in 1837, 12,486 pounds of merino wool, the weight of 4,162 fleeces, valued at $7,492. The manufactures of Cummington consist of cotton and woolen goods, leather, palm-leaf hats, and scythe snaiths. Total value, in one year, $98,000. Iron ore and soapstone.
Cusbing, Me.
Lincoln co. Situated on Saint George’s river, opposite to the town of St. George; 45milesN. E. from Augusta, and about 12 miles S. from Warren. This place was settled by emigrants from Ireland, as early as 1733. Here was the celebrated stone fort, erected by Maj. Burton. Incorporated, 1789. Population, 1837, 732.
Cutler, Me.
Washington co. Bounded S. by the Atlantic Ocean, and about 20 miles S. W. from W. Quoddy Head. It contains Little Machias hay and Little river, and is bounded W. by Machias hay. Cutler has a good harbor, and a population of 667 164 miles E. by N. from Augusta, and 10 S. E. from Machias.
Dalton, N. H.,
Coos co., lies between Lancas- ter and Littleton, on Connecticut river, and is 110 miles N. by IV. from Concord. The Great, or Fif- teen Mile Falls, bn Connecticut river, commence in Dalton, and rush tumultuously along its north- west boundary. The town is also watered by John’s river and sever- al large brooks. The western and southern parts of thifs town are hilly. Along the borders of John’s river the majestic white pine abounds. The soil on the highlands is de(ep^, and well adapted to grazing—is generally good, and in some parts easy of cultivation. Blake’s pond, the only one in town, lies at the S. E. corner. Moses Blake and Wal- |