and mountainous, but productive of extraordinary feed for cattle. Some of the best dairies in the country are in Danby. Large quan- tities of butter and cheese, of supe- rior quality, are annually sent to market. There are some curious caverns in this town,—one of great depth.
Danvers, Mass.
Essex co. T]iis flourishing town lies 2 miles N. W. from Salem, to which it was attached until 1757, and called “Salem Village.” It is very pleasant, and has some mill and navigable privileges. The manu- factures, for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $S54,300. JThe articles manufactured were boots and shoes ($435,900,) leather, ($264,400,) nails, bricks, pottery ware, glue, lasts, morocco, choco- late, shoe pegs, shoe and soap boxes, soap and candles. Population, 1830, 4,228 ; 1837, 4,SOL
Danville, Me.
Cumberland co. This town, for- merly called Pejepsco, was set off from the westerly part of North Yarmouth, in 1802. Population, 1837, 1,282. It lies 32 miles S. W. from Augusta, and 29 N. from Port- land. Farming is the principal business of the inhabitants ;—they raised, in 1337, 1,218 bushels of wheat.
Danville, X. H.
Rockingham co. It was incorpo- rated February 22, 1760 ; formerly' a part of Kingston, and until re- cently known by the name of Hawke. The soil is uneven, but in some parts good. Acchusnut river passes over the north west corner. Long pond lies in the east part, and ; Cub pond on the west side. The first settlements were made by Jon- athan Sanborn, Jacob Hook, and others, between 1735 and 1739. Danville lies 33 miles S. E. of Con- cord, and 10 S. W. of Exeter. Pop- ulation,. 1830, 528. |
Danville, Vt.
Chief town of Caledonia county. Danville village is very pleasantly situated near the centre of the town, and is surrounded by a beautiful farming country: first settled, 1784. Charles Hacket brought the first woman into town, in 1785. Popu- lation, 1830, 2,631. It lies 2S miles N. E. from Montpelier. Here is a medicinal spring; and Jo’s pond, covering 1,000 acres, lies mostly in the town. Several tributaries of the Passumpsic give the town a good water power. This is a place of considerable manufactures and do- mestic trade.
Darien, Ct.
Fairfield co. Until 1820, Darien was a parish in the town of Stam- ford. The soil is excellent, and well adapted to tillage and grazing. It lies 5 miles W. from Norwalk, and 42 S. W. from New Haven. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,201.
During divine service, on Sun- day, 22d of July, 1781, a party of British troops surrounded the meet- ing house at this place, and made the whole congregation prisoners. The males were tied, two and two, and the Rev. Moses Mather, D. D., a man distinguished for his learning and piety, placed at their head. They were marched to the shore, taken to Long Island, and after- wards to New York, where they suffered a cruel imprisonment.— Some of them never returned.
Dartmouth, Mass.
Bristol co. The •dponiganset of the Indians. A sea-port on Buz- zard’s bay, on the W. side of Ac- cushnet liver, 56 miles S. from Bos- ton, and 3 W. from New Bedford. Incorporated, 1664. Population, 1837, 3,958. There are 5 vessels belonging to this place engaged in |